
  • 网络capital account liberalization
  1. 第二章人民币资本帐户开放的风险。

    The second chapter : the risk of RMB capital account liberalization .

  2. 第一章资本帐户开放的涵义和推动因素。

    The first chapter : the concept and promotion of capital account liberalization .

  3. 在资本帐户开放,资本自由流动的条件下,利率和汇率的联系更加密切,这些联系可以从开放经济下的IS-LM-BP模型、利率评价理论和国际收支角度反映出来;

    In the opening economy , the relation of interest rate and exchange rate can be reflecting from IS-LM-BP model , the theory of interest rate parity , and international balance of payment .

  4. 不适当的利率和汇率政策是资本帐户开放风险产生的重要因素;

    Unsuitable interest rate and exchange rate are important factors ;

  5. 论资本帐户开放对中国证券市场的影响

    The Effect of China Capital - account Opening on the Stock Market

  6. 货币替代&中国资本帐户开放进程中的考验与政策选择

    On Currency Substitution & Test and Policy Suggestions under the Opening of Capital Account

  7. 资本帐户开放的核心条件:理论与实证分析

    On the Core Condition for Capital Account Convertibility : A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis

  8. 资本帐户开放指资本项目的货币自由兑换。

    Funny Money Capital account liberalization is the currency of capital items could be exchange freely .

  9. 资本帐户开放使得国际资本自由流动,对国家经济产生冲击。由此产生了国际收支平衡的风险;

    Capital account liberalization makes international capitals flowing , so it can strike the national economy .

  10. 在当今金融全球化的背景下,资本帐户开放将是不可逆转的趋势。

    At the background of financial capital globalization , Capital account liberalization is an unconvertible trend .

  11. 为了使得资本帐户开放以后利率和汇率对经济调节作用更好地发挥,必须要进行一系列的制度性建设:实行灵活的汇率制度、利率市场化改革和短期货币市场培育。

    We should build a flexible exchange rate policy , market decided interest rate and short money market .

  12. 本章主要介绍了有关资本帐户开放的国际规定和我国资本管制的状况;

    This chapter introduces the international regulation of capital account liberalization and the situation of capital control in china .

  13. 在资本帐户开放以后,国际资本自由流动的条件下,利率与汇率之间的联系更加密切。

    After capital account liberalization and international capital flowing freely , the relation of interest policy and exchange rate is closer .

  14. 随着中国经济国际化的深入发展,资本帐户开放成为包括中国企业在内的市场参与者的共同要求。

    Capital account liberalization tends to be the unanimous demand of all participants in China , including domestic ones , as Chinese economy is deeply being internationalized .

  15. 对于未来的资本帐户开放的发展,本文的观点是:在三元冲突中保持货币政策独立而采用更为灵活的汇率制度是唯一合理的政策组合。

    With China 's capital account opening more and more , keeping currency policy independent and adopting more flexible exchange rate institution is the only reasonable policy combination according to Mundel 's trilemma .

  16. 我国金融开放最大的风险来自于金融体系的脆弱性,总结新兴市场国家资本帐户开放的经验,从实际出发采取渐进式的资本帐户开放模式能最大限度地规避国际短期资本流动的风险。

    On summing up of lessons from emerging markets , I think the most challenging risk China will confront is the serious vulnerability of financial system , therefore , China must open capital accounts in a prudential way by which gradual opening-up arrangements will be adopted to avoid risks .

  17. 人民币资本帐户对外开放的战略分析

    Strategic Analysis of Renminbi 's Capital Account Liberalization

  18. 1996年12月,我国实现了人民币经常项目可兑换后,资本帐户的开放问题就显得日益重要。

    As a result , convertibility under capital accounts becomes more and more important .

  19. 但过去一年的快速发展加大了对中国资本帐户可能提早开放的期待。

    But the rapid progress of the past year has raised expectations of opening earlier .

  20. 一国资本帐户可兑换的开放应与本国实际和宏观控制能力相适应。

    The convertibility of a country 's capital account should adept to its reality as well as its ability of macro-control .

  21. 随着我国入世后资本帐户的进一步开放,今后我国的外债规模趋势又将如何呢?

    The capital account is further opened after China 's entrance to WTO , what about the scale of China 's external debt in the future ?

  22. 从长远来看,在中国资本帐户逐渐走向开放的情况下,维持单一钉住美元制会越来越困难,成本也会越来越高,对我国的汇率制度进行改革已迫在眉睫。

    As China beginning to open the capital account , it will be more harder to stick to the fixed exchange rate regime peg to the dollar , and urgent to reform China 's current exchange rate regime .

  23. 资本管制只能够作为资本帐户开放进程中的一种权宜之计和辅助手段来加以运用。

    Capital control can only be used as an expedience in process of capital account liberalization .