
  1. 上市公司法人股流动与国有资产盘活

    Flow of Legal Entity Share of Listed Corporation and Making Good Use of National Assets

  2. 第三,商业银行应利用各种手段,加快不良资产盘活处置速度。

    Thirdly , commercial banks should speed up disposing of non-performing loan by various means .

  3. 地票以票据的形式,将农民的死资产盘活,实现实物交易虚拟化,有效挖掘农民的财产性收入。

    The Land Ticket Transactions as the form of notes , makes an inventory of the farmers '" dead assets ", achieves the physical trading virtualization , excavates farmers ' property income effectively .

  4. 摘要国有商业企业存量资产盘活是目前企业改革的主旋律,但总体来看,企业资产盘活是一项十分复杂的系统工程,牵涉到方方面面,因此实践中遇到的困难和阻力很大。

    The activation of stock property in state-owned commercial businesses is the main melody of present enterprise reform which is a very complicated systematic project with many parts involved and a lot of difficuties and resistance in practice .

  5. 即不良贷款责任追究清收模式、招标外包清收模式、政信合作清收模式、仲裁诉讼清收模式、资产盘活清收模式等。

    Which is clear accountability for non-performing loans closed mode , the external clear revenue model of bidding , the government collaborate Liquidation income mode , clear revenue model of the proceedings , make an inventory of assets , the Liquidation income close mode .

  6. 在当前宏观经济形势下,本着有所为有所不为的原则,清理整合现有资产,盘活存量,适当增量。

    In the current macroeconomic situation , in line with the principle of preferring to certain areas , to clean up the integration of existing assets , revitalize the stock , appropriate increment .

  7. 信贷资产的存量盘活与增量优化

    The Utility of Stock Amount and Optimization of Incremental Amount on Credit Assets

  8. 也为国有企业吸引外资、资产重组,盘活资产存量提供了良好的机遇。

    Li also provides the best opportunity for state owned enterprise to introduce into foreign capital , asset reset and activate existing assets .

  9. 信贷资产的存量盘活和增量优化是提高商业银行总资产的效益性与安全性的关键所在。

    The utility of stock amount and optimization of incremental amount on credit assets are the keys to increase profitability and security of gross assets of commercial banks .

  10. 因此,吸引外资,进行资产重组已经成为盘活国有大中型企业资产存量的有效途径。

    So , introducing into foreign capital , conducting assets reset have become the effective methods to activate the state owned large and middle scale enterprises existing assets .

  11. 不良资产证券化是盘活流动性较差资产的一种金融创新,对推动我国经济建设融资方面的积极作用日趋明显。

    Transforming inferior assets into the negotiable securities is a financial innovation to activate the inferior assets with low fluidity , which will evidently promote the capital financing in China .

  12. 探索新形势下国有企业存量资产尤其是存量土地资产的盘活工作必须要严格依法办事,避免国有企业改制工作走入误区,依法成为当前盘活国有企业存量土地的重要保证。

    Under the new situation and explores stock assets of state-owned enterprises , especially the land assets revitalize the work must be in strict accordance with the law , such ability avoid state-owned enterprise restructuring work into error , even is the important guarantee of failure .

  13. 因此,本文提出了有色金属储备资产的配置方式、将有色金属资产盘活的方法、进行有色金属战略储备的对策及其建议等等,以期能够较好地为完善有色金属战略储备体系服务。

    Therefore , this paper proposes non-ferrous metal reserves assets configuration mode , the method of making non-ferrous metal assets active , the tactics and advices of non-ferrous metal strategic reserves , etc , hoping to perfect the non-ferrous metal strategic reserves system better and better .