
  1. 本文从Sommerfeld半无限大金属平面衍射的严格解得到狭缝平面的初始场分布,由Fourier变换给出两种偏振E和H的衍射公式。

    - The initial field distribution of a slit from Sommerfeld 's rigorous solution of electromagnetic theory on infinite half-plane diffraction and then by using Fourier transformation far-field diffraction patterns of the slit and filament in both E and H-polarization are obtained .

  2. 铝是仅次于钢铁的第二大金属材料。

    Aluminum is only inferior to iron among metallic material .

  3. 他手里挥动着一根大金属管子和一把尖刀。

    He was swinging a large metal pipe and a sharp knife .

  4. 一旦检测过关,奶农就把桶里的牛奶倒进一个大金属槽里。

    Once passed , farmers upend their urns into a huge metal trough .

  5. 无限大金属平板上开有二维周期性孔阵的散射特性分析

    Analysis of the scattering characteristics by a conducting screen perforated periodically with apertures

  6. 这些大金属核是会游移的。

    These great nodules wander .

  7. 为了促进学习,我做了一副恰好能装在大金属洗碗机上的学习卡。

    To help myself study , I made flash cards that fit perfectly on the large metal dishwasher .

  8. 在拉伸测试中,在氧化过程中更大金属蠕变强度会导致零生长应力。比如Ni/NiO复合物。

    Higher creep strength of metal can result zero growth stress during oxidation time i.e. for the Ni / NiO composite .

  9. 车架是汽车起重机三大金属结构件之一,在汽车起重机行驶和作业过程中,其承受复杂的上车载荷。

    As one of the three metal structures of truck crane , frame bears complicated loading during driving and operating process .

  10. 分析了有限大金属平板上包含折线形状缝隙时的散射场。

    In this paper , the electromagnetic scattering of a finite size metal plate with polygonal slots in it is studied .

  11. 铝在世界上需求量很大,是继钢铁之后的第二大金属材料。

    The demand for aluminium is huge in the world . Aluminium is the second wide-used metal , only after iron .

  12. 铝是第二大金属,由于性能好,回收成本较低,是一种可持续发展的有色金属。

    Aluminum , the second metal , is a kind of continually developable metal due to its perfect function and low recycle cost .

  13. 大金属龟分成两排在我两侧鱼贯消逝,以侵入我的眼角宣告它们的存在。

    Great metal tortoises filed past me on either side , imposing enough to signal their presence at the corner of my eyes .

  14. 听了这话,小男孩伸手挽起裤腿,露出一条用一个大金属架支撑的,严重扭曲的,残疾的左腿。

    To this , the little boy reached down and rolled up his pant leg to reveal a badly twisted , crippled left leg supported by a big metal brace .

  15. 本文研究带电粒子与微纳尺度材料相互作用,其中包括带电粒子与纳米小球以及与有限厚度无限大金属平板的相互作用。

    In the thesis , the interaction of the charged particle with nano-structured materials is studied , including nanosphere and an infinite metal slab with finite thickness in an infinite dielectric substrate .

  16. 特别地,发现对于同一族金属,带有越大金属原子的酞菁具有越大的三阶光学非线性系数,而相对论效应在其中也有贡献。

    For the metals in the same subgroup , it is found that the larger metal atom leads to the stronger 3rd-NLO response , where the relativity effect also took part in .

  17. 镁是继钢铁、铝之后的第三大金属工程材料,被广泛地应用于航空航天、汽车、电子移动通讯、冶金等领域。

    Magnesium is the third big metal engineering material following iron and steel , the aluminium . It is widely used in aeronautics and astronautics , automobile , electron mobile telecommunication and so on .

  18. 本文介绍了用场模式法推导在无限大金属平板上开有周期性孔径阵列的场的表达式,通过计算,提出了这种方法的优点与不足。

    This paper gives the expression of the field which has periodic aperture arrays on an infinite planar sheet , and based on the calculation , the paper also puts forwards the advantages and disadvantages of this method .

  19. 铝及铝合金具有诸多优点,广泛应用于生产和生活中的各个领域,是需求量仅次于钢铁的第二大金属材料,在国民经济发展中占有重要地位。

    The aluminum and the aluminium alloy have many virtues , they were widely used in various domains of production and life , and they are the second biggest metals in demand just inferior to the steel , so they have important status in the development of the national economy .

  20. 大鼠金属蛋白酶组织抑制物-1反义基因TA载体构建及其在肾小球系膜细胞表达的实验研究

    Expression of antisense TIMP-1 gene TA cloning vector in rat glomerular mesangial cells

  21. 大面积金属电极腐蚀电位随时间变化的Monte-Carlo模拟

    Monte-Carlo Simulation of Corrosion Potential of Big Square Metal Electrode

  22. 大孔金属有机骨架(MetalOrganicFrameworks,简称MOFs)材料,是一类捕获二氧化碳的新型材料。

    Macroporous metal organic frameworks ( MOFs ) are a kind of new materials for carbon dioxide capture .

  23. 大尺寸金属焊接接头低温CTOD试验研究

    Study of low temperature CTOD of large scale welding metal experiment

  24. 目的构建含大鼠金属蛋白酶组织抑制物1(tissueinhibitorofmetalloproteinase1,TIMP1)反义基因片段TA克隆载体,为进一步研究TIMP1在肾组织纤维化中的作用奠定基础。

    Objective To study the role of TIMP 1 in renal fibrosis , we constructed rat antisense tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 1 ( TIMP 1 ) gene TA vector .

  25. 大厚度金属功能零件LOM技术的层厚分析

    Analysis on Slice Thickness of LOM Based on Large Thickness Slice for Metal Function Part

  26. 国家大剧院金属屋面面积逾3万m2,最外层挂钛金属复合装饰板。

    Metal roof area of the National Grand Theatre is beyond 30 000 square meters and on the exterior surface hang titanium composite panels .

  27. 其中大鼠金属硫蛋白亚型II的结构直接来自于晶体数据,兔肝金属硫蛋白亚型I和II的结构则通过同源蛋白模型搭建。

    For these kinds of metallothioneins , the structure of MT-II in rat liver obtained directly from Protein Data Bank , while other two structures of MT-I and MT-II in rabbit liver were constructed by homology modeling .

  28. 220kV串联补偿电容器用大容量金属氧化物避雷器

    High Capacity Metal Oxide Surge Arrester Used in 220 kV Series Compensation Power Capacitor

  29. 二是矿体厚度小(1~2cm),长度大,金属含量高,如波兰Kupferschiefer含贵金属的CuAg矿床。

    And ( b ) the another is such a ore deposits that is only 1 ~ 2cm thick but very long and very high in metal concentration , like Kupferschiefer Cu-Ag deposit with precious metals in Poland .

  30. 有人在晶体硅和非晶硅太阳电池表面制备了大颗粒金属纳米粒子,并通过纳米粒子LSPR增强光散射使太阳电池光吸收和光谱响应得到增加。

    It has been reported that light absorption and spectra response were enhanced by employing large metallic nanoparticles on top of crystalline silicon and a-Si : H solar cells .