
  1. 如奥体中心站和双港大道站,其影响范围远大于万寿宫站、中山路站等市区站点。

    Such as the Olympic center and shuang-gang road station , they has much biger influence radius than zhong-shan road and wan-shou-gong station .

  2. 本文简单论述了杭州地铁湖滨站和世纪大道站的工程概况,并从测斜数据对世纪大道和湖滨站的数据进行对比。

    This paper briefly discusses the project profile of the Hangzhou Metro Century Avenue Station and Lake Station , and compares from the inclinometer data on Century Avenue and Lake station .

  3. 森山大道:站在日本最前沿的摄影大师

    Moriyamadaido : A Foreland Photographer in Japan

  4. 根据塔斯社报道,这间独立的“生态卫生间”设立于和平大道地铁站,位于红场北部约3公里(1.8英里)处,可免费使用。

    The single " bio toilet " has been installed on a platform at Prospekt Mira metro station , about 3km ( 1.8 miles ) north of Red Square , and is free to use , the Tass news agency reports .

  5. 他刚刚经过杰克逊大道的游戏站

    Okay , he just passed the gamestop on Jackson Avenue

  6. 上海轨道交通世纪大道换乘枢纽站空调通风设计

    Air-conditioning and Ventilation Design of Transit Hub at Century Avenue of Shanghai Rail Transit

  7. 吴晗故居,不仅成为对青少年进行革命教育的好场所,更成为知识分子走光明大道的加油站。

    Former Residence of Wu Han now has become a good place for the revolution education of the youth , and it is also a service station for the intellectuals to walk on a bright road .

  8. 世纪大道4线换乘站的结构设计

    Structural Design of Transfer Station of Four Rail Lines at Century Avenue

  9. 我通过政府发放的交通卡追踪到了布克兄妹他们从第五大道车站出的站

    I 've managed to track the Booker children via their government issued metro cards . They exited the 5th Avenue Station .

  10. 因此,文图拉大道上的加油站排起了长队,只为了得到5美元的汽油。

    So there were long lines of cars waiting at the gas stations on Ventura Boulevard , just to get your $ 5 of gasoline .

  11. 杭州欧陆风情假日酒店按四星级标准兴建,地处西湖大道,毗邻城站火车站,坐拥时尚、繁华的商业街,风光无限。

    Hangzhou European-Style Holiday Hotel is located in the West Lake Avenue , adjoining Chengzhan Railway Station , and sit at the fashionable and flourishing business street , with limitless scenery .