
  • 网络Asset appreciation;capital gain;Capital appreciation
  1. 一些反对者也接受增加其它税项,例如引入累进利得税、提高利得税和资产增值税。

    Some of the opponents are also receptive to other tax rises , such as the introduction of progressive profits tax , increasing profit tax and a capital gains tax .

  2. 目前,主权财富基金大多来源于国家的财政盈余、外汇储备和自然资源收入,这些国家为了财政稳定、资产增值或长期发展等宏观经济目的将这部分资金投资于国内外市场。

    At present , sovereign-wealth funds mostly come from finance surplus of the nation , foreign exchange reserves , and natural-resource income . The funds are invested into domestic and overseas markets by these nations for macro-economy purpose to keep financial stability , capital appreciation or long run development .

  3. 除了这类“被动”的资产增值抵押贷款(equitywithdrawal)外,美国人利用房产以外的东西积极获得资金的程度相对较低,不过也占到近6%的可支配收入(再次参见上图)。

    Exclude this type of " passive " equity withdrawal , and the pace at which Americans have been actively taking money out of their houses is lower , close to6 % of disposable income ( again , see chart ) .

  4. 我国企业固定资产增值税会计核算的演进

    Evolution of VAT Accounting Treatments of Fixed Assets of Chinese Enterprises

  5. 基于绿色设计的品牌资产增值研究

    Research of the Appreciation of Brand Assets based on the Green Design

  6. 合资企业资产增值的激励控制模式

    The mode study on increasing assets in joint venture based on Incentive tactics

  7. 以资产增值方法计算的利润额任何高于此阈值的增产量即为利润。

    Any increment above this threshold represents profit .

  8. 对保险公司而言,承保业务和保险资金投资业务是盈利的两个重要来源,资产增值多寡主要取决于承保利润率和保险资金投资收益率的高低。

    Accept insurance and investments of insurance funds are both significant profit-earning sources for insurance companies .

  9. 非流通股股东的利益主要是通过溢价发行、净资产增值和盈利分红来实现。

    No-public shareholders realize their interests mainly through premium issue , net assets appreciation and money bonus .

  10. 强调在城市规划引导下政府要严格控制土地一级市场,保证城市土地收益和城市资产增值归政府所有。

    And emphasize the government should strictly control the initial land market to ensure the income of municipal government .

  11. 以往的成绩最有发言权,你必须能够明确自己在资产增值方面的角色。

    Track record speaks loudest here , and you must be able to identify your role in the asset appreciation .

  12. 财务管理作用发挥得好,企业可获得较大的资产增值,企业有较强的财务生存能力和自我发展能力;

    If an enterprise uses well the function of finance , it will get strong existing ability and self-developing ability .

  13. 在进行财务分析的基础上,他们将为您提供资产增值的建议、帮您制定策略,为您提供更高层次的财务管理。

    Consultants can fill in such gap and provide senior management with value-added comments and strategies based on financial analysis performed .

  14. 假如他们没有办法开固定资产增值税给我们还有其他途径吗?

    If they do not have method to open fixed assets value added tax , still have other way to us ?

  15. 证券资本利得税是对纳税人在证券交易过程中实现的资产增值征收的一种税,当前已被大多数国家所采用。

    Capital gains taxation taxes revenue realized through capital trading in stock market , which has been adopted by most of countries .

  16. 美国消费者支出前景走弱,乃是因为随着房地产市场进一步降温,资产增值抵押贷款市场出现了崩盘。

    The softening in the outlook for US consumer spending is due to a collapse in mortgage equity withdrawal as the housing market slowdown has intensified .

  17. 从某种意义上说,它是企业人力资产增值的重要途径,也是企业组织效益提高、核心竞争力增强的重要途径。

    To some extent , training is one important approach to enhance the value of human resources asset , the performance of organization and the core competence .

  18. 还有人利用这些钱为自己的地产资产增值,通常是通过更改其“主要”及“第二”居所的定义,以实现收入的最大化。

    Others used the cash to build up property portfolios , often changing the definition of their " main " and " second " homes to maximise income .

  19. 超过三分之二的人有学士或硕士学位,其中88%在寻求资产增值时做过投资。

    More than two-thirds of them have college or master degree and 88 percent of the mass affluent class have made investment as they seek to grow their assets .

  20. 企业只有通过资本运营实现生产要素优化配置、产业结构调整来增强核心竞争力,以最大限度地实现资产增值。

    In order to maximize the value of assets , the capital operation is the only way to achieve optimal allocation of combination , industrial restructuring to enhance core competitiveness .

  21. 同时挖掘出通信软件测试信息的长效性,从而使M公司信息资产增值。

    Furthermore , the management model will excavate the long-lasting effectiveness of the communications software test information which will bring out the appreciation in the information assets value of M company .

  22. 这一产品具有灵活配置、自下而上主动选股的特点,在严格控制组合风险的前提下,追求长期稳定资产增值。

    The product has a flexible configuration , bottom-up initiative of the characteristics of the stock in combination tight control on the premise of risk in pursuit of long-term , stable growth in assets .

  23. 资本经营作为现代企业制度中一种以资本增值为目标的全新经营管理方式,是迅速实现资产增值和实施大公司、大集团战略的必然选择,资本经营战略是企业发展过程中的核心战略。

    Capital management is a current management with the aim of more capital value added in modern enterprise system . Capital strategy becomes the core and the best choice of assets value added and being big Groups .

  24. 私募股权基金是私人之间募集的以非上市的公司股权为投资对象的基金,通过扶持目标企业成长,实现资产增值和财富的创造。

    Private Equity ( PE ) refers to fund that is raised between private Persons and invested as equity into non-listed companies . PE , by developing the target enterprise , will create wealth be means of increase assets .

  25. 农用地不仅具有生产价值功能和资产增值功能,还具有生态价值功能、社会保障价值功能、社会稳定价值功能及其他价值功能。

    This article analyzes the value and function of farm land . The writer thinks that farmland not only has value and function in value producing and asset appreciation but also in eco-environment , social ensurance , social stability and other sides .

  26. 根据经济学理论,资产增值会产生财富效应,即随着财富的增长,消费支出会增加,这意味着,随着房产增值,家庭财富在不断累积,居民消费支出应该也随之增加。

    According to economic theories , the asset appreciation will generate wealth effect , with the growth in wealth , consumer expenditure will increase , which means that household wealth accumulates with the house estates ' appreciation and the consumer expenditure should also increase .

  27. “还是那批成为购房出租投资者、在信贷紧缩后与子女一起成为业主的人,他们都将被收入回报和物业资产增值的前景所吸引,”她说。

    " The same types of people who became buy-to-let investors , who became part-owners with their offspring after the credit crunch , will be attracted to both the income returns and the prospects for capital growth available from property , " she says .

  28. 基于EVA的国有资产保值增值指标

    EVA-based Index for the Maintenance and Appreciation of State-owned Assets

  29. 本文引入EVA(经济增加值)概念,认为基于EVA建立国有资产保值增值指标,更能真实地反映国有资产的经营业绩;

    The article introduces the concept of EVA ( Economic Value Added ), believes that the state-owned asset value remaining and increment index system based on the EVA can better reflect the operating performance of state-owned asset .

  30. 对国有企业的业绩考核应在保值增值的基础上,把市值指标与EVA、现金流回报率等结合起来,促进公司价值稳定增长,更好地实现国有资产保值增值。

    Based on increasing the value of the performance evaluation in state-owned listed companies , marker indicators combined EVA , cash flow return rates , etc. These promote the steady growth of corporate value and achieve the increasing value of the state-owned assets .