
  • 网络Halloween night;The eve of All Saints'Day
  1. 下次万圣节之夜播放的是-恐怖电影第四部。

    Yeah ? Next tonight for Halloween - Scary movie 4 .

  2. 麦希外语邀您一起共度万圣节之夜!

    Mianyang Mercy invite you to share the Halloween night !

  3. 不,麦琪,今天是万圣节之夜,外面很可怕。

    No Maggie , it 's Halloween tonight and it 's scary out there .

  4. 所以在爱尔兰每年的万圣节之夜,你经常可以看到成百上千堆篝火在熊熊燃烧。

    It 's common to witness hundreds of traditional bonfires in Ireland every year on Halloween Night .

  5. 不可能,我们吸红果汁,我们叫它血因为那是在万圣节之夜。

    Gordon : No way , it was just red juice , but we called it blood because it was Halloween night .

  6. 万圣节之夜,一名意大利老人因为被孩子身上特有的节日装束搞得惊恐万分,而开枪向两名男孩射击。经过医院的治疗,目前这两名男孩已脱离危险。

    Two Italian boys were recovering in hospital on Tuesday after a70-year-old man shot them with his hunting rifle because he was frightened by their Halloween costumes .