
  • 网络Halloween;halloween party
  1. 万圣节派对过后,两男人图个乐呵,打算抄近路穿过墓地回家。走到墓地中央时,他们被从迷雾中传来的“答、答、答”声惊吓到了。

    Two men were walking home after a Halloween party and decided just for laughs . Right in the middle of the cemetery they were startled by a tap-tap-tapping noise coming from the misty shadows .

  2. 同天,Jennifer带着女儿Seraphina参加了洛杉矶Brentwood小区的万圣节派对。

    That same day , Jennifer stepped out hand in hand with her daughter Seraphina after attending a Halloween party in the Brentwood neighborhood of LA .

  3. 哦,这里就是万圣节派对吗,孩子们?

    Oh , is this the Halloween party boys and girls ?

  4. 这不是万圣节派对,对吧?

    Oh this isn 't the Halloween party , is it ?

  5. 我们去参加万圣节派对,人人都身着古装。

    We went to a Halloween party where everyone wore ancient costume .

  6. 你去参加万圣节派对吗?

    A : Are you going to the Halloween party ?

  7. 米莉和她的朋友们正在为万圣节派对做准备。

    Millie and her friends are getting ready for a Halloween party .

  8. 太好了,那么万圣节派对我们…我们来了!

    Great , so Halloween party here we ... here we come !

  9. 像女巫一样在万圣节派对上跳舞。

    Dance like a witch at a Halloween party .

  10. 你不能去万圣节派对

    You can 't go to a Halloween party .

  11. 京晶:说到那些奇特的事,我被邀请去参加一个万圣节派对呢。

    Speaking of extraordinary things , I got invited to a Halloween party .

  12. 欢迎来到2416部落第一届鬼屋嘉年华万圣节派对。

    Welcome to the first CarnEVIL party at Circus2416bar .

  13. 太好了,我正期待一个诡异的万圣节派对呢。

    Oh great , I 'm looking forward to a spooky Halloween party .

  14. 我们可以去学校参加万圣节派对会很好玩的

    We can go to the Halloween thing at school.It could be fun .

  15. 你知道杰森要开万圣节派对吗?

    A : Have you heard that Jason is having a Halloween party ?

  16. 他们邀请我去个什么万圣节派对

    They just invited me to some Halloween party .

  17. 帕丽斯·希尔顿和道格·瑞恩哈特参加海蒂·克拉姆的万圣节派对。

    Paris Hilton and Doug Reinhardt arrive at Heidi Klum 's Halloween party .

  18. 像吸血鬼一样在万圣节派对上跳舞。

    Dance like a vampire at a Halloween party .

  19. 像僵尸一样在万圣节派对上跳舞。

    Dance like a zombie at a Halloween party .

  20. 像骷髅一样在万圣节派对上跳舞!

    Dance like a skeleton at a Halloween party !

  21. 我们走吧参加万圣节派对已经迟到了

    Can we go now ? We 're late for the halloween party .

  22. 希望大家有机会在万圣节派对上跳舞!

    We hope you get a chance to dance at a Halloween party !

  23. 报名费已包括比赛结束后之万圣节派对费用。

    Registration fee includes the entry fee to the Halloween Party after the race .

  24. 我们要去参加万圣节派对了。

    We 're going to a Halloween party .

  25. 麦琪邀请我参加万圣节派对,我觉得应该就是这里。

    Maggie invited me to a Halloween party and I think it 's here .

  26. 这条路通往我的万圣节派对。

    This way to my Halloween party .

  27. 嗨!下星期的万圣节派对你要穿什么?

    Hi ! What are you going to wear to the Halloween party next week ?

  28. 难道万圣节派对在下面?

    The Halloween party is down there ?

  29. 万圣节派对是这边。

    The Halloween party 's that way .

  30. 不敢相信,竟然还没有来到万圣节派对。

    I don 't believe it , we 're still not at the Halloween party .