
wàn shì tōng
  • know-it-all;jack-of-all-trades;know-all;wise guy
万事通 [wàn shì tōng]
  • [know-alls;jack-of-all-trades;know-it-all] 无所不知的人(含讥讽意)

  • 挫折万事通们的气焰的令人迷惑的问题

万事通[wàn shì tōng]
  1. 他只是一个妄自尊大的万事通,以为自己知道所有的答案。

    He 's just a smart-aleck know-all who thinks he 's got all the answers .

  2. 于是大财主套上马车,驱车奔向那个村庄,问螃蟹是不是万事通大夫。

    So the nobleman had his carriage hitched up , rode out to the village , and asked him if he were Doctor Know-All .

  3. 这个大堂经理是真正的万事通(Jackofalltrades)。

    Now this man was a true Jack of all trades .

  4. 我明白你的意思,班上的万事通说。

    " I see what you mean ," said the class know-it-all .

  5. 万事通博士说你在这儿.兰仙女也在吗?

    Dr.Know told me you 'd be here.Is Blue Fiary here too ?

  6. 我们去问万事通博士.天下事他无所不知

    We will ask Dr. Know.There is nothing he doesn 't

  7. 他知道很多事情所以我们都叫他万事通。

    He knows a lot of things so we call him information bureau .

  8. 她觉得自己是个万事通!

    She think she 's a know-it all !

  9. 苏珊总是在纠正别人,她觉得自己是个万事通。

    Susan is always correcting other people . She thinks she 's a know-it-all .

  10. 不要做了不起的一事通,至少要做个各种知识都掌握一点儿的万事通。

    Never learn everything from one thing but at least one thing from everything .

  11. 为什么万事通从不给他开药治喷嚏呢?

    Why won 't Doc prescribe him something ?

  12. 万事通有一张和蔼的、老成的脸。

    Doc has a nice old face .

  13. 你好象万事通似的。

    You sound like Mr know-it-all .

  14. 我之所以钟爱“万事通”这种说法,是因为今天公布的阵容非比寻常。

    I use the term know-it-all with endearment because the selections , revealed today , are good .

  15. 人们总是在找聪明的同事,但是没人愿意与一个万事通共事。

    People will always seek out intelligent coworkers , but no one wants to work with a know-it-all .

  16. 更具体地说,这是十亿善意的万事通们都不愿让之消失的语法传奇。

    More specifically , it 's a grammar myth that a billion well-meaning know-it-alls won 't let die .

  17. 成为了解公司历史,客户,公司业务的万事通。

    Position yourself as the go-to person who knows the history of the company , customers , and business .

  18. 这件事在乔布斯的心中印象深刻,因为这是他第一次意识到父亲不是万事通。

    Jobs recalled the incident vividly because it was his first realization that his father did not know everything .

  19. 他似乎是个万事通。其实他是再愚蠢不过了。

    It seems as if he knew everything , but in reality , he is as stupid as can be .

  20. 成为一个会修复印机,校正备忘录,制作电子表格等什么都会的万事通。

    Be the go-to person for fixing the copier , proofreading memos , making spreadsheets , anything ( and everything ) .

  21. 走出成功商业电影哈利波特的爱玛沃森虽然生活中看不出万事通小女巫的痕迹,但也在布朗大学混得风生水起。

    Emma Watson plays a key role in one of the biggest movie franchises in history , while also attending Brown .

  22. 他是个自以为万事通的家伙他以为其他所有的工作,他懂得比他们自己还要多。

    He 's such a smart aleck-he thinks he thinks he knows everybody else 's job better than they do themselves .

  23. 这些画稿中有两张分别是七个小矮人中的害羞鬼和万事通,另外还有一张是没签名的匹诺曹。

    The sketches were of two of the seven dwarfs , Bashful and Doc , along with an unsigned sketch of Pinocchio .

  24. 受人尊敬的万事通总是很大方的和大家分享信息,并且愿意将自己会的交给别人,虽然这样做会降低你工作的保障性。

    The valued go-to person shares information and willingly trains other employees despite the fact that this may mean less job security .

  25. 最后做一块招牌上面写着:'我是万事通大夫,'钉在你的门上边。

    Third , have yourself a sign painted with the words'I am Doctor Know-All'and nail it above the door to your house .

  26. 你不是.万事通博士说她在世界尽头

    You are not her.Dr.Know told me that she would be here at the lost city in the sea at the end of the world

  27. 有时候你需要做艰难的抉择,可能会伤及无辜,或者表现得像一个狂妄的万事通。

    Sometimes you need to make the tough decisions , blow off some steam on an innocent person , or act like a cocky know-it-all .

  28. 你得告诉我出什么岔子了,而我会告诉你怎么解决,因为我是万事通。

    You are going to tell me what is wrong , and I 'm gonna give you the right answer , because I have all of them .

  29. 有句这么说,了解春节的人,那他就是一个合格的中国万事通了。

    Have a sentence to say in this way , know people the spring festival , in that case he will have been a qualified Chinese jack of all trades .

  30. 本文试图通过分析英国作家毛姆的短篇小说《万事通先生》(Mr.Know-all)来说明语用原则对文学作品理解的作用。

    The author of this article attempts to illustrate the role of pragmatic principles in the interpretation of literary works through analysis of S Somerset Maugham 's short story " Mr. Know-All " .