
  • 网络Three Heroes and Five Gallants;The Seven Heroes and Five Gallants
  1. 《三侠五义》可看成对古代侠义精神作出的一种修正。

    The Seven Heroes and Five Gallants can be looked on as a revision of ancient chivalrous spirit .

  2. 浅议《三侠五义》中的叙事性因素

    Narrative Factors of Three Knight-errants and Five Righteous Persons

  3. 代表侠义公案小说最高成就的就是《三侠五义》。

    The representation of their highest achievement was the novel " San Xia Wu Yi " .

  4. 理想的承载&浅析《三侠五义》所构建的侠义世界

    The Carrier of Ideals : An Analysis of the Errantry World Constructed in The Three Swordsmen & the Five Warriors

  5. 《三侠五义》及其续书在思想内容、创作模式、叙事策略上是对古典白话小说艺术成就的借鉴与超越。

    And its serials borrowed the former achievements and transcend the classical novels in its thought , content , pattern , strategy of narration .

  6. 透过五色看中华民间灯彩的美学意蕴《三侠五义》中的鬼神崇拜及其文化意蕴

    Look at Aesthetic Implication of Chinese Folk Colored Lantern Through Five Colors ; The Spirits Worship and Cultural Implication of the Chivalrous Detective Novel

  7. 再者这一阶段也出现了不少佳作,如《三侠五义》、《海上花列传》都曾得到鲁迅、胡适等人的高度评价,即使把它们放在整个小说史上也毫不逊色。

    Moreover , a lot of excellent works have also arisen in this stage that have gotten high appraisement of Lu Xun and Hu Shi etc , even if putting them in the entire novel history , they are also inferior .