
  1. 对胡澍、俞樾校诂《素问》的研究

    Textual Study on Plain Questions Collated by Hu Shu and Yu Yue

  2. 俞樾的小说观及创作具有强烈的史官意识。

    His view of novel and other writings had strong sense of historians .

  3. 俞樾认为文学创作受时代背景及个人的生平遭际的制约,由此尊重个体审美的差异。

    He believed literature was constrained by background of times and individual experience .

  4. 俞樾重视教化,主张因势利导,利用通俗文学进行教化。

    Yu Yue thought highly of indoctrination , and he advocated indoctrinating by using popular literature .

  5. 其次,从俞樾诗歌体格特点来探究其诗歌渊源及艺术旨归,即融汇唐宋,不事雕琢,崇尚自然。

    Second , According to Yu Yue physical characteristics of poetry to explore the origins of their poetry and art purport .

  6. 俞樾是晚清著名学者、经学家以及经学教育家,在学术史上有重要地位与影响。

    Yu Yue , as a famous scholar , scribes and scribes educator in late Qing , was of great importance and influence in academia .

  7. 从俞樾的生平和他所处的时代入手,可以发现家庭的不幸和时代的影响均有助解释他对中医前后不同的态度。

    His unfortunate individual experience and the influence of his times that he lived can both helped us to explain his different attitude towards TCM in different periods .

  8. 受求实求真的思维方式的影响,俞樾在选材上更重视故事的真实性,多取材于社会现实。

    Influenced by thinking mode of matter-of-fact , Yu Yue cared more on the truth of the story when he searched for materials that were selected from social reality .

  9. 首先,俞樾的诗歌创作及诗集编纂习惯具有明显的史传意识,基于这种认识,本文将其诗歌创作分为五个阶段展开论述。

    First , Yu Yue Poetry writing and codification of customary historical Consciousness in an obvious . Based on this understanding , this article will be divided into five stages discussed .