
Yú Pínɡbó
  • critic; essayist
  1. 由此可知:俞平伯晚年虽甚少公开谈论红楼,但一直关心红学的进展,反思与关注代表了其观照红学的态度和方式。

    Those reconsideration and concerns show his attitude and research manner to the development of Redology .

  2. 在诗歌创作源泉观上,俞平伯重视民歌等民间文化资源的开发利用。

    On the view of verse sources , Yu Ping-bo gave priority to the development and utilization of folk culture .

  3. 他们起初写信给《文艺报》请问可不可以批评俞平伯,被置之不理。

    At first they wrote to the Literary Gazette to ask whether it was all right to criticize Yu Ping-po , but they were ignored .

  4. 自我的疏离与回归&三十年代俞平伯思想管窥负二项回归模型在过离散型索赔次数中的应用研究

    Keeping Aloof from the Reality and Retreating into His Ego & A Study on YU Ping-bo in 1930 s ; Application of Negative Binomial Regression to Over-dispersed Claim Frequency

  5. 众所周知,俞平伯是中国现代文学奠基人之一,在散文、诗歌、杂文、文艺理论等方面都有所建树。

    As we all know , Yu is one of the founders of modern Chinese literature , in prose , poetry , essays , literary theory and other aspects accomplish something .

  6. 这将有助于把俞平伯的散文研究推向现代性这个新的视角,也能为当前散文研究提供有益的借鉴。

    This will help to push the research into his proses to a new perspective " modernness " and also offer some useful experience for the present study of the kind .

  7. 作为中国文学古今演变研究中的个案,本文通过论述俞平伯文学思想、创作和中国古代文学的关系,以揭示俞平伯文学思想、创作在中国文学抒情传统及其现代转变中的意义。

    As a case study of evolution of Chinese literature from ancient to modern , this dissertation purports to focus on the relation of Lu xun and traditional Chinese thought and literature .

  8. 在诗歌理想观上,俞平伯主张主义与艺术并重,既秉持个性自由的艺术创造精神,又重视对诗歌创作思维的探讨;

    In terms of verse idealism , Yu Ping-bo advocated that both doctrines and art are important , for he not only pursued the artistic creation spirit of free individuality but also attached importance to probing into the thought of verse creation .

  9. 同时,俞平伯还在新诗的理论建设方面作出了突出贡献,他提出的诗学观念具有一定的前瞻性,其中的真知灼见对规范与引导当时的新诗发展产生了重要作用。

    Meanwhile , Yu also has made outstanding contributions to the building of the theory of poetry . His proposal about the concept of poetry has a certain perspective , which plays an important role in guiding and standardizing the development of new poetry .

  10. 也正是因为如此,有关俞平伯散文思想的研究,才不仅仅局限于对一位作家、一种文体的认识,更具有从个案解析出发,进而认识一个时代文学观念发展变化的意义。

    Is precisely because of this , thinking of the Essays , was not only limited to a writer , a style of understanding , more analysis from the case proceed , and understand the concept of development and changes of an era , the significance of literature .