
  • 网络sannong problem;Issues;Three Rural Problems;Three Rural Issues;three-dimensional rural issues
  1. 关于三农问题的理论思考

    Some Theoretical Thinkings on Agricultural , Rural and Farmers ' Issues

  2. 第三法域之三农问题论纲

    Three Rural Issues , a Third Field of Law Perspective

  3. 同时,农业产业化是中国加入WTO后农业产业应对世界农业产业强烈冲击的唯一选择和出路,是从根本上解决我国三农问题的有效举措。

    Meanwhile , agricultural industrialization is the only choice or way for the agriculture of our country after its entry to WTO , and it is the effective act to solve the problem of Three Nong ( agriculture , countryside and farmer ) essentially .

  4. 进入新世纪,随着全面建设小康社会步伐的加快,我国的农业面临着知识经济、WTO和经济全球化的三重挑战,三农问题日益凸显,受到了党和政府的高度重视。

    With the accelerating pace of full developing well-to-do society , agriculture in China is facing three challenges in new century , namely knowledge economy , WTO and economic globalization . Then Three-Agriculture problems are becoming important increasingly , which received the much attention of the Party and our governments .

  5. 试论农业人口城镇化是解决三农问题的关键

    Discussion on the Key of Urbanism in Resolving Problem of Rural

  6. 体制创新是解决三农问题的根本之策

    System Innovation is the Key Solution to " Three Rural Problems "

  7. 我国财政制度的完善与贫困落后地区财政的调适&三农问题和农村税费改革的财政制度性制约

    Chinese Fiscal System Perfection and the Adjustment of Poorly - off Areas

  8. 三农问题:基于自组织维度的分析

    Analysis of the Peasant Problem Based on the Self-organizing Theory

  9. 三农问题的制度约束研究

    Study on the Institutional Constraints of the Three Rural-related Problems

  10. 近些年来,三农问题日益成为严峻的经济问题、社会问题,乃至政治问题。

    In recent years , the three rural-related problems are increasingly serious .

  11. 三农问题与农村教育改革

    On the reformation of rural education and " San Nong " Question

  12. 对解决三农问题的几点思考对县域经济和三农问题的几点分析

    Some Analysis About The Question of County Town Economy And Three Agriculture

  13. 现实主义与三农问题小说创作

    Realism and the Fiction Production on the Problem of " San-Nong "

  14. 区域差异与三农问题破解

    Regional Difference and Resolution over the Issues of Agriculture , Countryside and Peasantry

  15. 三农问题传统解决路径的反思

    Reflections on the Solution of Farmers ' Three Problems

  16. 对解决三农问题的思索

    How to Resolve " San Nong " Question s

  17. 三农问题实际上就是土地问题。

    Actually , the " Three Rural " problems are the land problems .

  18. 贯彻落实科学发展观指导解决三农问题

    Solving Problems Concerning Agriculture , Farmer and Countryside with a Scientific Development Concept

  19. 经济转型中的三农问题

    The " San Nong " Issues in Economic Transformation

  20. 三农问题研究个性化信息服务的实践探讨

    Practice and Exploration of Personalized Information Services on " Three Agriculture Issue "

  21. 农村环境保护与三农问题

    Rural Environmental Protection and Problems of Agriculture , Rural Area and Farmers in China

  22. 三农问题是中国现代化进程中的关键问题

    The Three Basical Problems in Chinese Modernization Progress

  23. 三农问题与乡(镇)政府职能转变

    Issue about agriculture , rural areas and farmers and change in township government functions

  24. 三农问题是制约我国稳步发展的长远问题。

    Three Rural Issues are long-term problems of restricting the development of our country .

  25. 试论我国三农问题的根源及治理

    The Source and Solution of SAN NONG Question

  26. 三农问题面临的二难困境

    On the Dilemma Concerning Farmers ' Three Problems

  27. 三农问题·县域经济·小城镇建设

    The Three Issues on Countryside , County Economy , Small Cities and Towns Construction

  28. 解决好三农问题是构建社会主义和谐社会的关键

    Solving Three Dimensional Rural Issues Is the Key for Constructing the Socialist Harmonious Society

  29. 三农问题研究栏目的编辑意识

    Editorial Consciousness of the Column about the Problems of Peasants , Countryside and Agriculture

  30. 信息化解决三农问题的着力点

    The Key Points of Solving " China ′ s Three Rural Problems " with Informationization