
  • 网络Philip C.C.Huang;Huang
  1. 黄宗智提出的以“边际报酬”为评判尺度的“过密化”理论,是其分析和评判中国小农经济的理论基点。

    Phlip Huang 's " Involutionary Theory " is his theoretical BP which was used to analyze and comment on Chinese small-scale peasant economy .

  2. 探索历史的真迹&评黄宗智《清代法律、社会与文化:民法的表达与实践》

    The Exploration of the Truth of History & Appraising the Book law , Society and Culture in Qing Dinasty : the Expression and Practice of Civil Law of Huang ZongZhi ;

  3. 近代华北农村人口消长及其流动&兼论黄宗智没有发展的增长说

    Population Change and Mobility in Modern Rural North China

  4. 学术界对前近代中国研究的分歧&以彭慕兰、黄宗智的观点为中心

    Bifurcation on the Studies of the Eighteenth - Century China in Academic Community

  5. 新中国建立前后华北农村破除迷信探析近代华北农村人口消长及其流动&兼论黄宗智没有发展的增长说

    Comments on the Efforts to Do Away with Superstition In Rural North China around the Founding of New China Population Change and Mobility in Modern Rural North China

  6. 黄宗智教授的上述观点引发了笔者的思考,这一观点在司法实践方面是否确实如此?

    This opinion of Professor Philip C. C. Huang raises my thought . Whether this view is compliant with the relevant aspects of the legislative and judicial practice ?

  7. 近年来学界越来越重视诉讼档案的价值,黄宗智教授和田涛教授已经进行了这方面的研究。

    In recent years , scholars pay more and more attention to the importance of litigation files . Professor Philip C. C. Huang and Professor Tian Tao have already made the relevant research .

  8. 黄宗智教授深具影响地挪用了内卷化概念将中国经济定性为没有增长的发展,而濮德培的湖南经济研究则证明清代国家不仅在经济上有所作为而且达臻传统国家的最大经济潜能。

    Philip C. Huang appropriated the concept of involution to describe , deeply influencing , Chinese economy as development without growth , while Peter C. Perdue proved that traditional Chinese state reached its peak of economic potential in his studies of Hunan economic history .