
  • huang feihong;Wong Fei-hung;Once Upon a Time in China
  1. 20年后,武术大师黄飞鸿的传奇故事又要重登大银幕了!

    After 20 years , legendary martial artist Wong Fei-hung has hit the big screen again .

  2. 十虎里面最著名的是黄飞鸿。

    The most famous of ten tigers is Wong Fei hung .

  3. 黄飞鸿系列电影中的儒家伦理道德观研究

    The Confucian Ethics View Research in " Huang Fei Hong " Series Movie

  4. 你曾经看过黄飞鸿吗?

    Have you watched Huang Feihong ?

  5. 黄飞鸿与醒狮及其21世纪的动态展望&兼论武术与舞狮的完美结合

    Huang Feihong with the Awakening Lion and Its Dynamic Forecast in 21st C & Perfect Union between Wushu and the Lion Dance

  6. 徐克将他标志性的导演才华带到了这部电影,他导演过包括1991年的《黄飞鸿》在内的很多经典电影。

    Tsui-the director of such hits as1991 's'Once Upon a Time in China ' - brings his trademark visual flair to the film .

  7. 卡伦:哦?真对不起。等黄飞鸿回到这儿我就会要他着手处理。

    Karen : Oh ? I 'm sorry to hear that . I 'll have Huang Feihong correct the situation as soon as he gets in .

  8. 我是托德,我有发请帖给黄飞鸿,邀请他参加扶轮社周六的午餐聚会,可我还没有收到他的回复。

    My name is Todd . I sent him an invitation to the Rotary club Brunch on Saturday , and I haven 't received his reply yet .

  9. 与城市的电影,如仙和墨西哥黄飞鸿在时在他的皮带,罗伯特罗德里格斯已经成为冠军的球员正是他的书中指出:一个好莱坞。

    With movies such as Sin City and Once Upon a Time in Mexico under his belt , Robert Rodriguez has become exactly what the title of his book states : a Hollywood player .

  10. 黄飞鸿的时间,狐狸是说给狼来了约力量的男子,如何没有动物可以顶住他,以及如何都不得不雇用狡猾,为了保护自己免受他。

    Once upon a time the fox was talking to the wolf about the strength of man , how no animal could withstand him , and how all were obliged to employ cunning in order to protect themselves from him .

  11. 在他之前,出演过黄飞鸿的都是功夫巨星,包括李连杰(1991年《黄飞鸿》)和成龙(1978年《醉拳》)。对此,32岁的彭于晏坦言自己在影片拍摄时也感到“压力巨大”。

    His predecessors are great martial arts stars Jet Li ( Once Upon a Time in China , in 1991 ) and Jackie Chan ( Drunken Master , in 1978 ) , and the 32-year-old admits he felt an " immense pressure " while playing the role .

  12. 由于在这部电影中的出色表现,彭于晏获得了第48届金马奖最佳男主角提名,更因此得到了《黄飞鸿之英雄有梦》导演周显扬的青睐,看到了他转型出演功夫大师的潜力,最终选择他出演黄飞鸿。

    Hard work paid off . He was nominated Best Actor in the 48th Golden Horse Awards for his performance . Also because of the role , director Chow Hin-yeung called on him to play Wong Fei-hung , as he saw Peng 's potential to be transformed into a kung fu master .