
  • 网络john woo;John Wu;johnwoo
  1. 第一次看TonyLeung的电影是1991年在《喋血街头》里,但坦白地说,那部电影给我印象最深刻的是导演吴宇森。

    The first time I saw Tony Leung Chiu Wai was in'Bullet in the Head'in1991 , but honestly , it was the director John Woo who made the biggest impression on me .

  2. 2008年7月11日作者:MaggieLee摘自:《好莱坞报道》作为重现公元208年赤壁之战——中国历史上最有名的军事壮举——的首部力作,吴宇森拍摄的电影《赤壁》是一个泛亚工程项目,足以用“丰碑”一词加以形容。

    July 11 , 2008 By Maggie Lee HONG KONG -- As the first film to re-create the 208 A.D. Battle of Chibi , the most famous military feat in Chinese history , John Woo 's " Red Cliff " is a Pan-Asian project with the word " monumental " written all over it .

  3. 他就是吴宇森,您收看的节目是《亚洲名人聊天室》。

    He 's John Woo and this is Talk Asia .

  4. 《亚洲名人聊天室》独家专访颇具影响力的著名香港导演吴宇森。

    A Talk Asia exclusive interview with influential Hong Kong director John Woo .

  5. 这下,素来不善言辞的吴宇森可是相当不好意思。

    This time , always ineloquent of John Woo , but very embarrassed .

  6. 马克:是吴宇森导演,尼古拉斯·凯奇主演的那部片子吧?

    Mark : Is that the one by John Woo , with Nicholas Cage ?

  7. 和吴宇森合作更容易点。

    Working with John Woo is more easy .

  8. 论吴宇森电影的暴力美学

    On Wu Yusen 's " Violence Aesthetics "

  9. 这部由吴宇森导演的电影叫做《赤壁之战》。

    The film , Red Cliff , is to be directed by John Woo .

  10. 导演吴宇森、冯小刚和陈凯歌也都在其中饰演了角色。

    Directors John Woo , Feng Xiaogang and Chen Kaige also have acting roles .

  11. 吴宇森拍戏之前,有没有人放白鸽?

    Before John Woo did it , who would bring pigeons to the set ?

  12. 电影导演吴宇森:教堂对我而言有许多意义。

    JOHN WOO , FILM DIRECTOR : The church means a lot to me .

  13. 吴宇森导演说其他的演员将在下周投入拍摄。

    Director John Woo said the stars will join the entourage in the coming week .

  14. 我拍《赤壁》只是为了吴宇森,因为他告诉我(这部电影)是他的梦想。

    I just did it for John when he told me it was his dream .

  15. 电影导演吴宇森:电影导溃吴宇森动作场面是最难的部分。

    JOHN WOO , FILM DIRECTOR : The action scenes was were the most challenging part .

  16. 吴宇森执导的电影《赤壁》,是依据哪个朝代的历史事件拍摄?

    Which era is the film Red Cliff , directed by John Woo , set in ?

  17. 那你觉得吴宇森和徐克与演员之间的关系最不同之处是什么?

    Q.What 's the main difference between John Woo and Tsui Hark about their relations with actors ?

  18. 吴宇森:我本来想做一名布道者,但传教士说我太有艺术气质了。

    I first wanted to be a preacher , but the missionary said I was too artistic .

  19. 吴宇森在过往曾执导的香港电影中,早已证明了他是动作电影的「高手」。

    In his Hong Kong films , director John Woo proved that he was a master of action films .

  20. 一些影评人指出,陈的作品在挖掘人的关系方面没在达到吴宇森许多电影的水平。

    Some critics have pointed out that Tan 's work doesn 't explore human bonds to the degree many of Woo 's movies have .

  21. 电影导演吴宇森:弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉。我认为他拍了一部非常了不起的经典,就是《教父》。

    JOHN WOO , FILM DIRECTOR : Francis Ford Coppola , you know I think he make made a great classic film , The Godfather .

  22. 据了解,该片导演本人非常喜欢吴宇森的功夫片,这些镜头也是向中国功夫致敬。

    It is reported , this piece of director extremely likes JohnWoo 's time piece , these lens also are salute to the Chinese time .

  23. 在典礼中,妮可基德曼也是压轴明星,休格兰特和导演吴宇森为她颁发了贡献奖。

    And inside the ceremony where Kidman was truly the star of proceedings , receiving her achievement award from fellow actor Hugh Grant and director John Woo .

  24. 虽然他曾执导过十多部电影,“英雄本色”是吴宇森的突破,并在香港很成功。

    While he had previously directed over a dozen films ," A Better Tomorrow " was Woo 's breakthrough , becoming a massive success in Hong Kong .

  25. 香港风格不只是一种类型,它包容了吴宇森、徐克、袁和平和胡金铨等各种各样的人才。

    The Hong Kong style was more than just a genre , encompassing talents as diverse as John woo , Tsui hark , King Hu and Yuen woo-ping .

  26. 本片由久负盛名的台湾导演魏德圣执导,力邀好莱坞影人吴宇森担任制片,自上映伊始就已经开创了票房新纪录。

    Made by an acclaimed Taiwanese director , Wei Te-sheng , with John Woo , a Hollywood force , as producer , the film has already broken records .

  27. 吴宇森是当今世界上著名的华人导演,他导演的许多电影被视为经典,受到众多电影工作者和观众的热捧。

    John Woo is one of the world famous Chinese directors , and he directed many films which were considered classic by many film makers and the audience .

  28. 它们要么像吴宇森导演的《变脸》(1997年)一样华丽浮夸,要么像克里斯托弗•诺兰的《盗梦空间》(2010)那样引人深思。

    They can be either as campy as John Woo 's Face / Off ( 1997 ) or as thought-provoking as Christopher Nolan 's Inception ( 2010 ) .

  29. 吴宇森对经典战争电影的贡献,这个在二战时一位纳瓦霍族的密码携带者的故事在2002年推出时票房不佳。

    John Woo 's contribution to the war movie canon , this tale of Navajo code talkers in WWII was a financial disappointment when it was released in2002 .

  30. 在拍《断箭》休息时,吴宇森看着上百名工作人员,思考着在亚洲与美国拍片的不同。

    During a break in filming Broken Arrow , * Woo casts his eye over the hundreds of technicians and ponders the contrasts in movie-making between Asia and America .