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  1. 毒霸三分天下&2001年杀毒软件产品广告投放简析网络防毒软件在电厂MIS中的应用

    The three main servers in Chinese anti virus software market Application on the management information system of power plant for the network protect virus software

  2. 其实,小城文学足以和乡村文学、都市文学三分天下。

    Actually , township literature is as important as countryside literature and city literature .

  3. 中国历史上,三分天下,魏据北方,蜀在西南,吴呆东南。

    China has been divided into three kingdoms historically : Wei in the north , Shu in the southwest and Wu in the southeast .

  4. 中国的造船业发展迅猛,在世界造船市场上形成三分天下有其一之势。

    The development of shipbuilding industry in China is growing up rapidly , It is becoming one of the three key parts among the shipbuilding market worldwide .

  5. 目前国际社会对环境保护日益重视的大环境下,中国的造船业发展迅猛,在世界造船市场上形成三分天下有其一之势。

    Under the increasing attention toward environmental protection form current international community , Chinese shipbuilding industry has increased substantially and become one of the most important makers in the world .

  6. 加强新联通在综合电信业务市场的优势,在竞争激烈的通信市场实现三分天下的目标。

    The innovative point enhanced the advantage of the New Unicom in the telecommunication markets , which achieve the goal of one-third of the world in the highly competitive telecommunications market .

  7. 民办高等教育从20世纪80年代重新出现以来,经过二十多年的努力,已经发展成为我国高等教育的一支崭新力量,同全日制普通高校和成人高校鼎足而立,三分天下有其一。

    Since its reappearance in the 1980s , private higher education , with about twenty years ' development , has grown into an important new force of China 's higher education .

  8. 2008年5月23日,电信行业重组方案正式公布,形成了中国电信、中国移动、中国联通三分天下的竞争格局。

    May 23,2008 , the telecommunications industry , formally announced restructuring plan , the formation of a China Telecom , China Mobile , China Unicom , " third world " of the competitive landscape .

  9. 传统外贸企业的发展,也从改革开放前的垄断经营到目前与外资企业、民营企业三分天下的格局,各自都逐渐确立了其在参与国际分工和国际贸易竞争中的微观主体地位。

    Foreign trade enterprises develop from monopoly operation before reform and opening to co-exist with foreign investment enterprises and private companies now . They establish gradually the status of market subject in the course of joining international division of labor and competition with other countries for world market subject .

  10. 欧美国家的政府、企业、非营利组织形成了支撑社会发展的三大因素,非营利组织及志愿事业成为三分天下有其一的重要因素。

    Governments , enterprises and NGOs in European and American countries have become three main factors propping up social development , however , NGOs and volunteers ' cause is an important factor that makes up part of the world .

  11. 第二阶段,1993年12月至1995年底,三种思潮和力量对比发生深刻变化,出现了三分天下的局面。

    In the second stage ( from December 1993 to the end of 1995 ) the three trends of thought and the balance of forces underwent a profound change with no trend playing a dominant role .