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wēi lì
  • power;force;might;formidable force
威力 [wēi lì]
  • [power;formidable force] 使人畏服的强大力量

  • 舆论的威力

威力[wēi lì]
  1. 他们领悟到了她那论据的威力。

    They realized the force of her argument .

  2. 由于单个MAV体积小,负载、防卫能力差,因此有必要、有可能将MAV进行编队,利用MAV群执行任务可以发挥更加强大的威力。

    Due to the small size , poor abilities of load and defense of a single MAV , it is necessary and possible to build up MAV swarms . It will play a more powerful force to carry out a mission with MAV swarms .

  3. 一枚威力巨大的炸弹在车站外爆炸了。

    A powerful device exploded outside the station .

  4. 任务开始之前他们的空军就已经丧失了威力。

    Their air force had been neutered before the work began .

  5. 战术核武器的威力范围较小。

    Tactical nuclear weapons have shorter ranges .

  6. 公平交易委员会最近在显示威力,严厉打击腐败事件。

    The Fair Trade Commission has of late been flexing its muscles , cracking down on cases of corruption .

  7. 一枚威力巨大的汽车炸弹炸毁了警察总部。

    A massive car bomb blasted the police headquarters .

  8. 这就是电话的威力。

    That 's how powerful the Telephone is .

  9. 我停了一下,看看雪崩的威力。

    I had a moment to pause and to look at the power of the avalanche .

  10. 我们只能隐隐约约地领略他的威力,的确有一种可望不可及的感觉

    We have only vague and tantalizing glimpses of his power .

  11. 有些“死亡瞪”威力太强大,隔着太阳镜也能感觉到。

    Some death stares can still be effective even if the starer is wearing sunglasses .

  12. 别因为篇幅短小就被这本书骗了:它可威力无穷。

    Don 't be fooled by this book 's diminutive size : it packs a huge wallop .

  13. 小王子微笑着说:“你并不那么有威力……你连脚都没有……你甚至都不能旅行……”

    The little prince smiled . " You are not very powerful . You haven 't even any feet . You cannot even travel … "

  14. 回到家里,申屠敦唉声叹气:“我今天才知道权势的威力,可以颠倒是非,以假乱真。”

    When he returned home , he sighed : " I didn 't know until today the power of authority , which can confound right with wrong and pass off the fake as the real thing . "

  15. Air(初三适用)侵彻型空地导弹的杀伤威力研究

    Study on the Lethality and of Air - to - Ground Missile

  16. 移动Web应用程序的威力不仅仅是在一个移动设备上呈现一个网站。

    Mobile Web applications can be more than rendering a Web site on a mobile device .

  17. X型自行反坦克炮是目前我军装备的威力最大的反坦克炮。

    The X SP Anti_tank Gun is main equipping of our army .

  18. 假如有一瓶魔法药剂,该药剂有力量(strength)、威力(power)和持续效果时间(duration)等属性。

    Assume that there is a magic potion , and that the potion has properties including strength , power , and duration .

  19. 可能有些人对Scheme还比较陌生,我们来看一些演示这种语言的威力的例子。

    As Scheme may seem a bit foreign to some , let 's look at a few examples that illustrate the power of the language .

  20. 但是,随着Twitter的成长,它的社区的威力也在成长。

    However , as Twitter has grown , so has the power of its community .

  21. Guile试图跨越两个环境之间的界线,将Scheme的威力扩展到C。

    Guile attempts to straddle the line between the two environments and extend to C the power of Scheme .

  22. JAX-RS利用Java注释的威力,使用注释来执行诸如以下的操作

    JAX-RS harnesses the power of Java annotations , using annotations to perform operations such as

  23. 然而,ISDN没有证明它是一种威力无比的东西。

    However , ISDN did not prove to be a blockbuster .

  24. 反之,若威力W是已知的,就可以从公式算出相应的距离D。

    Alternatively , if the energy , w , is specified , the appropriate distance , D , can be evaluated from equation .

  25. 不过后者比前者威力强得多,建议用在对关卡末尾BOSS进行攻击。

    But the latter is much stronger power , it is recommended to use in the attack on the checkpoint at the end of BOSS .

  26. 要发挥面搜索的威力,原生XML引擎需要能够从一个元素在数据库中具有的值构建词典。

    To deliver the power of faceted searches , native XML engines need to be able to build lexicons from the values that an element takes on in the database .

  27. 由于存在大量客户投诉,而且联邦政府相关机构开始对其进行审查,威力众无线公司(VerizonWireless)放弃了收取2美元附加费的计划。

    Verizon Wireless ( VZ ) dropped plans for a $ 2 surcharge fee after numerous customer complaints and scrutiny from federal regulators .

  28. 高威力FAE液态燃料的优化选择

    The Optimization Selection of Liquid Fuels for High Power FAE

  29. FAE战斗部爆炸威力评价方法的分析

    Analysis of evaluation methods for blast power of FAE warhead

  30. 基于神经网络的FAE武器威力设计专家系统

    Expert System of FAE Weapon Power Based on Neural Network