
rén dé
  • magnanimity;humanity;kindness
  • benevolent moral integrity
仁德 [rén dé]
  • [benevolent moral integrity] 待人宽厚而好施恩德

  1. 君子对亲人厚道,民众久趋于仁德;

    If the gentleman is devoted to his kin , the people will rise to humanity ;

  2. 聪明的人不会迷惑,仁德的人不会忧愁,勇敢的人无所畏惧。

    The man of wisdom has no perplexities , the man of humanity has no worries , the man of courage has no fears .

  3. 跨越台铁路线的糖铁跨线桥。仁德糖厂。

    The sugarcane railway bridge which was crossing the TRA mainline .

  4. 傍晚返厂的重车。仁德糖厂。

    A loaded train was coming back to Jen-Teh Sugar Factory .

  5. 用温暖拥抱生活用仁德构建和谐&刘黎莹获奖小小说浅析

    To hug life with warmth , and to build harmony with kindheartedness

  6. 三线区使用的连结转换车。仁德糖厂。

    A converter car for different gauges train connection .

  7. 这一类的事迹使他在诸侯中赢得了宽厚仁德的美名,投奔他的人越来越多。

    His kindness spread far and wide , winning him a growing number of followers .

  8. 有仁德的人自然地去行仁道,而聪明的人知道施仁道的利处。

    A humane man is at ease with humanity ; a wise man benefits from humanity .

  9. 坐在尾车防止小孩们攀登原料车的老伯。仁德糖厂。

    The old man was sitting over the tail of the train to avoid climbing children .

  10. 他用自己的傲气来和那种至高无上的仁德对抗,傲气真是我们心里的罪恶堡垒。

    To this celestial kindness he opposed pride , which is the fortress of evil within us .

  11. 有仁德的人是可以往救,但是不会陷自己与井中。

    He might go there to rescue the man , but he would not be trapped himself .

  12. 孔子说:刚强、坚定、质朴、寡言这四种品格接近仁德。

    Confucius said , Being firm , resolute , simple and reticent is close to being humane .

  13. 有仁德之后,如果还有精力就可以去做学问,学知识。

    There Rende Then , if there is energy to be able to go to scholarship , learning knowledge .

  14. 晏子,真是个仁德的人啊,可以说是既忠于国君,又善待属下了。

    What a kind-hearted man Yan-tse was ! We could say that he was both loyal to the sovereign , and considerate to his inferiors .

  15. 在这里,就上帝的仁德被认为是有限事物以存在或持续存在这一点来说,理智的意义约略相当于我们所说的上帝的仁德。

    Understanding in this larger sense corresponds to what we call the goodness of God , so far as that means that finite things are and subsist .

  16. 孔子说:“有智慧的人是不会迷惑的,有仁德的人是不会忧虑的,有勇气的人是不会惧怕的。”

    Confucius said : " a man of wisdom is free from perplexities ; a man of virtue is free from anxiety ; and a man of courage is free from fear . "

  17. 联系整部《庄子》,可以看出在书中尧并不是作为仁德之君来刻画,许由的形象也不仅是“圣人无名”的注解。

    Reviewing the whole book Chuang Tzu , we can see Yao is not regarded as a kind emperor , and the character Xuyou is not only an explanation of " Saint is nameless " .

  18. 我喜欢他们说“这位是桑迪&她是聋子”的时候脸上那副骄傲和荣耀的表情,就好像我证明了他们的仁德善心一样。

    Her friends seem " proud and honourable " because they are with a disabled person and their way of introducing her shows they are willing to be generous and help her ( be " benevolent ") .

  19. 二者共同认定神灵之天相对于天地间一切的主宰地位;董仲舒认为人在受命于天的同时也从天那里获得仁德,现实政治层面的有关制度设计也取之于天。

    Both of them believe the dominating position of God relative to every other thing in the nature ; Tung Chung-shu thought that when human beings were ruled by God , they got kindheartedness form nature , and the political system in reality was got from nature too .