
  1. Internet上三大检索工具检索化学化工信息的方法

    The Method to Obtain the Chemical Information by the Three-Largest-Index Tools on Internet

  2. 作为国际三大检索系统之一,SCI是衡量一个机构的学术水平和科研能力的重要因素,尤其能反映自然科学基础研究的学术水平。

    As one of the three greatest retrieval systems of the world , SCI is an important factor which refers to the capabilities of academic and scientific research for an institution .

  3. 介绍了SCI、EI、ISTP国际三大检索系统和其收录文献的特点,指出写好英文、参考文献等对收录的重要性,以及三大检索系统收录文献的投稿要求。

    This paper has introduced the characteristics of three major international retrieval systems , pointed out that it is very important to write well English abstract and reference for the three major international search systems , and discussed requirements of document contribution .

  4. 国际三大检索系统收录分析与投稿指南

    Analysis of Three Major International Search Systems and Guide to Contribution

  5. 利用三大检索查询收录/引用的方法与技巧

    On Methods and Techniques of Searching Three Principal Indexes

  6. 简析国际三大检索系统与学术论文投稿警示

    Brief introduction of international three big searching systems and warning of submitting research paper

  7. 基于三大检索的科技文献统计分析系统的设计与实现

    The design and implementation of scientific literature statistical analysis system based on three retrieval systems

  8. 三大检索论文数的多少一直是科技人员所关心的事。

    College search of the three major papers of the number of scientific and technological personnel has been very concerned about .

  9. 作者可根据所撰写论文的学术水平,将稿件首选投向三大检索系统和中国科学技术信息研究所的统计源期刊。

    For the reason , authors should contribute the papers to the source periodicals of the world authoritative retrieving systems and the scientific & technical information institute of China .

  10. 在比较分析的基础上对用户如何有效进行专利信息检索提出建议,并针对三大专利检索系统尚存的局限向系统开发人员提出专利检索系统的优化方案。

    Finally , based on the comparative analysis , author put forward the reasonable proposals on how users retrieval patent information effectively ; aim at the limitations of the patent search system , optimization scheme of the three patent retrieval system is been proposed to system design and development staff .