
  • 网络Fourth engineer;Third Engineer
  1. 三管轮负责这项工作,电机员也协助配合。

    The Fourth Engineer takes charge of that work and co-operate by electric engineer .

  2. 三管轮:先生,我准备在加油前检查油的数量和品质。

    Fourth Engineer : I planned to check the oil quantity and quality before we start bunkering , sir .

  3. 顺便问一下,三管轮在哪儿?我们得一起去试一下液压舱盖。

    By the way , where is the fourth engineer We 'll have to test the hydraulic hatch cover with him .

  4. 如果你在做这事前先告诉我们的三管轮,那么只要采取关闭相关阀门的办法就能避免这些事情。

    If you had told our Fourth engineer before you did it , such things could have been avoided , by merely closing the relevant valves .