
  1. 跟那支乐队合作三年后,他决定单飞。

    After three years with the band he decided to go solo .

  2. 三年后我又遇见她了。

    I met her again three years later .

  3. 下一届橄榄球世界杯赛将于三年后举行。.

    The next Rugby World Cup will take place in three years ' time .

  4. 公共汽车三分钟后就到了。

    The bus is due in three minutes .

  5. 三年后,我儿子希望能获得律师的资格。

    At the end of three years , my son hopes to qualify as a lawyer .

  6. 在解释数据所揭示的内容时,他说:“你所看到的是,即使在三年后,人们的心理健康仍然更好,这不同于许多我们认为会让自己快乐的事情。”

    Explaining what the data revealed , he said : " What you see is that even after three years , mental health is still better , which is unlike many other things that we think will make us happy . "

  7. 取下前三个后,我发现第四个已经剥离了。

    Having taken out the first three , I found the fourth stripped .

  8. 这对夫妇在订婚三年后终于结婚了。

    The couple eventually wed after three year engagement .

  9. 两、三分钟后他再次敬礼,然后走了

    After two or three minutes , he paid his obeisances again and left .

  10. 三年后,那个创业公司倒闭了。

    Three years later6 , the startup failed7 .

  11. (你能把遥控器递给我吗?我最喜欢的节目在三分钟后就要开始了!)

    Can you pass me the remote ? My favourite show starts in three minutes !

  12. 三年后,晋国又灭了虞国。

    Three years later , the State of Jin conquered the State of Yu , too .

  13. 例句:我们上半场射进三球后就已经稳操胜券。

    The three goals we scored in the first half gave us a useful cushion against defeat .

  14. 在第四张专辑《MyLoveIsYourLove》发行三年后,她跟爱丽丝塔唱片公司续约。

    Three years after the release of her fourth studio album , My Love Is Your Love ( 1998 ), she renewed her recording contract with Arista Records .

  15. 中国国际金融有限公司(ChinaInternationalCapitalco.)在上周发布的报告中预测,三年后,类似余额宝这样的产品管理的资金规模将相当于银行存款的8%。

    A report issued last week by brokerage China International Capital Corp. projects that in three years products like Yu'E Bao could manage funds comparable to 8 % of bank deposits .

  16. 主要产品有:一、PVC薄膜系列;二牛津布系列;三、后加工产品系列。

    The main products are : 1 , PVC film series ; Second Oxford cloth series ; III processing product line .

  17. 三年后,卢特尔将公司卖给了LibertyEquitiesCorp.,不久后被挤出了公司。

    Mr. Luter sold out three years later to Liberty Equities Corp. and was soon pushed out .

  18. 这部电影表现了DavidFrost在三年后对尼克松的电视访谈中试图让尼克松承认错误的情景。

    This movie shows David Frost 's attempts to get Richard Nixon to admit his wrongdoing during a television interview three years later .

  19. 被Johnson训斥了三年后,这个6-3的后卫准备好帮助达拉斯争夺总冠军了。

    After three years of hearing Johnson berate him , the6-3 point guard is ready to help lead Dallas to a championship .

  20. Gonzalez被派往伊拉克三次后荣归故里。

    Gonzalez is back home after being deployed to Iraq three times .

  21. 在毕业三年后的平均工资这个类别上,斯坦福大学商学院的优势越来越明显,且据校友报道,该院MBA毕业生平均薪资过去6年来都是最高的。

    Stanford has increasingly dominated the category for the average salaries earned by alumni three years after graduation , and alumni have reported the highest post-MBA salaries for the past six years .

  22. 首席交易员查克•费尔德曼(ChuckFeldman)在我来公司三年后退休,把权杖交给了一位更加年轻、更侧重定量分析的风险管理经理。

    Chuck Feldman , the top trader there , retired after my third year and handed the leadership baton to a younger , more quantitative risk manager .

  23. 2005年,我又是较早一批注册Facebook的人,不过直到三年后,我的家人朋友才纷纷开始使用这项服务,让它成了我的一个可靠的交流平台。

    An early adopter , I registered for a Facebook account in 2005 , though it took three years for my friends and family to join the service with enough mass to make it a reliable platform for communication .

  24. 2004年,它先是被RealPlayer播放器制造商RealNetworks公司(RealNetworks)收购;三年后,又被剥离出去,成为传媒巨头维亚康姆(Viacom)的合资公司。

    In 2004 , it was acquired by RealNetworks ( rnwkd ) and spun off again three years later as a joint venture with Viacom ( via ) .

  25. 三周后,尾静脉注射相同剂量不加佐剂的抗原,三天后,取免疫小鼠脾细胞和骨髓瘤细胞Sp2/0-Ag-14进行融合。

    Three weeks later , the same antigen was administered intravenously without adjuvant , and three days after final immunization , spleen cells from immunized mice were fused with Sp2 / 0-Ag-14 myeloma cells .

  26. 三周后生存率比较,HV-CVVH组10例(10/12,83.3%),对照组5例(5/13,38.5%)。

    Survival rate after 3 weeks , HV-CVVH group 10 cases ( 10 / 12,83.3 % ), the control group 5 cases ( 5 / 13,38.5 % ) .

  27. 透析器复用三次后,KT/V均明显下降(P<001),UFH抗凝组较LMWH抗凝组下降明显(P<005)。

    The KT / V decreased markedly ( P < 0 01 ) after dialyzers reused for three times , and the descending rate of KT / V in UFH groups were much higher than LMWH groups ( P < 0 05 ) .

  28. 如果三年后你没升到经理一职怎么办?

    What if you were not promoted to manager in3 years ?

  29. 蓝可儿失踪三周后尸体才被发现。

    Lam had been missing for three weeks before being found .

  30. 三年后,五角大楼仍在清理这些机器。

    The Pentagon is still disinfecting machines , three years later .