
yún yì
  • lowering cloud;corneal opacity
  • nebula
云翳 [yún yì]
  • [nebula] 中医病名。眼球角膜疾病后所遗留的一层薄若云雾状翳障

  1. 愿这里有足够多的云翳,来造就一个美丽的黄昏!

    May there are enough clouds , to make a beautiful sunset !

  2. 原你的生命中有足够的云翳来造成一个美丽的黄昏。

    There are many clouds in your life to make a beautiful sunset .

  3. 角膜云翳12眼,占24%;

    24 % of the eyes were slight corneal opacity ( 12 eyes );

  4. 冰心将它译为:愿你生命中有够多的云翳,来造成一个美丽的黄昏。

    May there be enough clouds in your life to make a beautiful sunset .

  5. 我只扫了一眼就发现它的眼睛很不对劲——那里面密布着云翳。

    A quick look showed something was terribly amiss ; the eye had clouded over .

  6. 愿我的人生中有够多的云翳,塑造美丽而又诗意的黄昏。

    Maybe there be enough clouds in my life to make a beautiful and poetry sunset .

  7. “愿你的生命中有足够多的云翳,来造一个美丽的黄昏。”

    " May there be enough clouds in your life to make like a beautiful sunset . "

  8. 云翳蔽空,日色朦胧,经丛林这么一反射,又阴又湿的空气就给烤得热烘烘的。

    The sun obscured by overcast , refracted from the jungle and heated the moist dark air .

  9. 呸,那从破碎的云翳中露出微笑的秋之晨,他们要怎么说呢?

    O , fie ! What would they call an autumn morning that smiles through its ragged clouds ?

  10. 角膜云翳6例、斑翳4例、白斑34例。

    There are six cases of corneal nebula , four cases of macula , 34 cases of leucoma .

  11. 他永远接受不了平庸,波诡云翳的生活正是他的最爱。

    He cannot be accepted forever commonplace , the life of wave cunning nebula is him love most .

  12. 对角膜白斑、斑翳、云翳均有效,无明显差异;结果:7只兔术后瞳孔区透明度均明显改善,供角膜区少量云翳。

    Results : The improvement of corneal pellucidit is in evidence and the area of supplying corneal layer has a little macula and nebula only after operation .

  13. 用化云宁治疗116只家兔角膜创伤及瘢痕模型的研究证明,化云宁不影响角膜创伤的愈合,对角膜云翳疗效明显,远优于狄奥宁和碘化钠。

    An experimental study on corneal scar in 116 rabbits indicates that the effect of " Huayunning " is far better than that of dionine and sodium iodide .

  14. 他们靠近时,太阳从暂时的云翳后面照射了出来;玫瑰花仿佛由于内在的突然激情变得灿烂了。

    As they approached , the sun came out of a momentary eclipse behind a cloud . The roses flamed up as though with a sudden passion from within ;

  15. 结论角膜地形图仪系统测量角膜屈光度更为准确、全面,尤其对角膜过陡、过平、有斑翳、云翳者的检测结果更有参考价值。

    Conclusions The corneal diopter measured by the topographer was more accurate than that measured by the keratometer , especially for the patients cornea was too steep , flat or corneal opacity .

  16. 结果:300例全部治愈,无1例发生眼内感染,60例遗留角膜云翳,30眼视力下降1~2行。

    · RESULTS : All the 300 cases were completely cured without infection . Nebula appeared in 60 cases , and visual acuity became lower by one or two rows in 30 cases .

  17. 宽大的平壤杂技剧院内,上千名朝鲜儿童和我们一起观看,掌声和欢笑声混在一起,将游客心里所沉积的云翳一扫而光。

    In the spacious acrobatics theater of pyongyang , thousands of Korean children watch with us , applause and laugh heartily one mix , at visitor heart cloud depositted tie up and cleared off .