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  1. 轻与重,大和小,疏与密,都有平衡画面的功能。

    Light and heavy , big and small , spares and dense , all have balanced functions within a painting .

  2. 其它瓜密鱼都是不同科属的亚洲种类,其中一些是家中水族箱受欢迎的观赏鱼。

    Other gouramis , several of them popular in home aquariums , are Asian members of different genera and families .

  3. 她表示:“告密者和被告密者都是受到信任和信赖的资深人士,而完全不是底层雇员或是大街上的普通民众。”

    " The tippers and tippees have been in senior positions of trust and confidence , " she said . " We are far from low-level employees or people on Main Street . "

  4. 基体金属进入界面过渡层以及界面过渡层富集密着剂都有利于釉料润湿基体。

    The entry of base metal and the enrichment of indiscrete dosage in the intermediate layer can also be effective to the wetting performance .

  5. 长大顺层滑坡滑移失稳模型实验分析所有密堆积排列都是由密堆积层排列而成的。

    Analysis on Mode Experiment of Large Consequent Slope 's Instability All closed-packed arrangements are built by stacking of close-packed layers of the type .

  6. 所有密堆积排列都是由密堆积层排列而成的。

    All closed-packed arrangements are built by stacking of close-packed layers of the type . One man handed up sandbags while the other packed .

  7. 每个密匙值都可以单独用于加密消息,但是不能用于解密由它本身加密的消息。

    Each key value can be used separately to encrypt messages , but it cannot be used to decrypt the messages it was used to encrypt .

  8. 证书、密匙和密码都显示在代理服务器的安装配置中。

    The certificate , key , and password are all present within the installed configuration of the proxy server .

  9. 由于高校班密、课程数都相对较多,手工排课不可避免地要带来教师资源或教室资源的冲突的问题。

    The university class , course number are relatively more , the platoon class inevitably brings the teacher resources or classroom resource conflict .

  10. 任何访问这个公开密匙的人都可以用它加密消息,而只有密匙所有者才能够对消息解密。

    Anyone with access to the public key can use it to encrypt messages , which can then be decrypted only by the key owner .

  11. 但是也可以使用您的私有密匙来加密消息,这样做之后,任何具有您的公开密匙的人都可以解密这个消息。

    But it 's also possible to use your private key to encrypt a message , and when this is done anyone with a copy of your public key can decrypt that message .