
  • salmon;SMOKED SALMON;Salmon Fish;sockeye salmon
  1. 用箔纸包烤或用清汤蒸煮三文鱼8至10分钟。

    Bake salmon in foil or poach in a light stock for 8-10 minutes .

  2. 维生素C、E和有机铬对三文鱼肉品质的影响

    Effects of Vitamin C , E and Organic Chromium on Meat Quality of Salmon

  3. 地铁三文鱼指的是地铁站里(经常是地铁到站后人大量涌出时)坚持逆着人流上下楼梯的一两个人。

    Subway salmons refers to the one or two people who insist on going up a stairway or down a stairway ( usually after a train arrives at a subway stop ) while all the people leaving the train are going in the opposite direction . Example :

  4. 饵料中添加VC对三文鱼肉品质的影响

    Influence of Adding VC into Feed on The Meat Quality of Salmon Fish

  5. 由WhooshhInnovations公司研发的三文鱼炮的视频在网上走红。

    Video of the salmon cannon , developed by Whooshh Innovations , has gone viral on the Internet .

  6. 自然PET三文鱼油,为ω-3必需脂肪酸,这是重要的营养物质的皮肤和毛发的自然源-和整体健康。

    Only Natural Pet Salmon Oil , a natural source for Omega-3 essential fatty acids , which are important nutrients for the skin and coat – and for overall health .

  7. 许晓椿指出,上周FDA批准了转基因三文鱼,这是第一种被批准作为食物销售的基因工程动物。

    Mr Xu points out that the FDA last week approved transgenic salmon , the first genetically engineered animal to be permitted for sale as food .

  8. 就在周一,北京禁止了挪威三个地区的所有三文鱼进口,理由是担心它们携带传染性三文鱼贫血病毒(ISA)。

    As of Monday , Beijing has banned imports of whole salmon from three Norwegian regions amid concerns they carry infectious salmon anaemia ( ISA ) .

  9. 她指出英国超市已推出更优质的加工食品,比如乐购(Tesco)的迷你三文鱼意式蛋饼配莳萝蛋黄酱。

    She notes that British supermarkets have introduced better quality processed meals , such as Tesco 's mini salmon frittatas with dill B é arnaise .

  10. 2013年,世界最大三文鱼养殖商、总部位于奥斯陆的MarineHarvest收益增长5倍,同时挪威皇家三文鱼也公布了该公司21年历史上的最佳业绩。MarineHarvest在挪威、智利和苏格兰等地设有机构。

    Earnings at Oslo-based Marine Harvest , the largest farmed salmon grower with operations in Norway , Chile and Scotland among other locations , rose sixfold in 2013 , while Norway Royal Salmon reported the best results in its 21-year history .

  11. 据英国食品和饮料联合会(FoodandDrinkFederation)的资料,2014年英国对华食品出口销售额同比上升12%,食品种类包括猪肉、乳制品和三文鱼。

    Exports of British food to China , including pork , as well as dairy products and salmon , leapt by 12 per cent in terms of sales last year , compared with 2013 , according to the UK 's Food and Drink Federation .

  12. 尽管科学家普遍欢迎FDA批准转基因三文鱼,但这种鱼可能会遭到美国消费者的抵制,美国的一些环保组织正在呼吁零售商抵制这种产品。

    While scientists have generally welcomed the FDA approval of GM salmon , there may be consumer resistance to the fish in the US , where environmental groups are pushing retailers to boycott the product .

  13. 我们认为中国的三文鱼没有被ISA病毒感染的危险,因为从挪威来的这些鱼会被直接卖掉,这家机构在上周在一份声明中指出。

    We believe there is no risk that Chinese salmon will be contaminated by the ISA virus because fish products from Norway go directly to consumption , it said in a statement last week .

  14. AlaskanBrewingCo.烟熏波特啤酒(SmokedPorter)的创意是该酒坊创始人杰夫·拉森(GeoffLarson)与加工三文鱼的邻居在享用一盘烟熏三文鱼时想出来的,拉森说,这款酒“还没有达到巅峰”。

    Alaskan Brewing Co. 's Smoked Porter -- thought up by brewery founder Geoff Larson over a plate of lox with a salmon-curing neighbor -- ' hasn 't peaked yet , ' said Mr. Larson .

  15. Csikszentmihalyi提到了一个切生三文鱼来谋生的男子——对于大部分人来说,这是一份非常艰苦的工作。

    Dr. Csikszentmihalyi mentions a man who slices raw salmon for a living - an unenviable job to most .

  16. 当作为现代三文鱼垂钓技术开拓者之一的李•伍尔夫(LeeWulff)1937年第一次来到纽芬兰的时候,他花了数日时间,坐船沿亨伯河逆流而上。

    When Lee Wulff , one of the pioneers of modern salmon fishing techniques , first came to Newfoundland in 1937 , he spent days making his way by boat up the Humber River .

  17. 只要摄入3盎司的沙丁鱼,每日就可摄入必备的维他命D量。沙丁鱼是昂贵得多的超级食物(三文鱼)的绝佳替代物,MariaBohland说道,她是一名注册营养师,同时也是DietAustin.com网站的创始人。

    Just 3 oz. of sardines are enough for your daily dose of vitamin D. They are the best substitute for the much more expensive superfood - salmon , Maria Bohland , a registered dietician and founder of DietAustin.com , says .

  18. 再来几块causa:一坨黄色的土豆泥,淋上包括橄榄奶油和生三文鱼在内的各种浇头(双人午餐售价600比索左右)。

    Add a couple of causas - dollops of mashed yellow potato topped with everything from olive cream to raw salmon ( lunch for two , around 600 pesos ) .

  19. 法国三文鱼分销商OceanDirect首席执行官菲利普芭尔贝(PhilippeBarbe)表示:过去,三文鱼是一种奢侈品。如果价格上涨,它可能会再次变成有钱人的专属。

    In the past , salmon was a luxury product . If prices rise higher , it could again be reduced to something only for people with money , says Philippe Barbe , chief executive of Ocean Direct , a French salmon distributor .

  20. 香港Nobu餐厅的行政总厨用湖南省东江湖的养殖鱼子酱来搭配三文鱼腩酱。

    Erik Idos , executive chef of Nobu restaurant in Hong Kong , uses farmed caviar from Dongjiang Lake in Hunan province , supplied by Hong Kong-based J & A Fine Foods .

  21. 根据《新闻社》报道,很少在公开场合口误的威廉王子之后的行程还是很成功的,在祝酒的时候尝了一点米酒,试了一些由著名厨师AkiraShimizu特制的“美味无比”的三文鱼。

    Prince William , who rarely slips up in his public appearances , made a success of the rest of his visit , sipping on some sake rice wine during a toast , and trying some " delicious and amazing " salmon sashimi prepared specially by famed chef Akira Shimizu , the Press Association reported .

  22. 在锅子中加入三文鱼粒,关火;

    Add the salmon in rice and turn the heat off .

  23. 三文鱼,菠菜,小番茄,番茄酱。

    Salmon , spinach , cherry tomatoes , tomato sauce .

  24. 三文鱼柳以盐及胡椒调味。

    Add sea salt and pepper on both sides of the salmon .

  25. 牛肉铁板烧上过,紧接着是烤三文鱼串伴有蒸粗麦粉。

    Beef fajitas were followed by grilled salmon skewers served with couscous .

  26. 或者闻到一股三文鱼般的腥臭从洞里传出来?

    Or a salmon-like odor coming from the caves lately ?

  27. 而最关键的一点,三文鱼实在太好吃了!

    And perhaps most important of all it tastes good !

  28. 我听说温哥华的三文鱼是最好的。

    I hear the salmon in Vancouver is the best .

  29. 由三文鱼做成的飞机雕塑。

    Creative plane sculpted out of raw salmon fish by De Witte .

  30. 鱼类养殖者以及分析人士预测,三文鱼价格将保持高企。

    Fish growers and analysts expect prices to stay high .