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  1. 安全和维修问题极为严重,男厕八格中有三格「待修」。

    Security and maintenance were serious issues faced by this toilet .

  2. 建议在城镇推广使用三格化粪池公厕。

    Propose in city employ three squares sePtic tank public lavatory .

  3. 浑身颤抖的哈利向左边移动了三格。

    Shaking , Harry moved three spaces to the left .

  4. 三格化粪池厕所的无害化效果

    Observation on the Efficacy of Three Squares Septic Tank Lavatory for Diseases Prevention

  5. 砌体圆拱式单井口三格化粪池的工艺技术及应用

    The technique and application of the three-squared septic tank of arched Brickwork with a single pithead

  6. 那只钱柜分成了三格。

    Three compartments divided the coffer .

  7. 三格厌氧氧化槽处理农村生活污水的菌种筛选及条件选择

    Study on Bacteria-screening for the Treatment of Rural Wastewater with Triple-vessel Anaerobic Oxidation Tank and Its Best Condition

  8. 结果三格化粪池卫生厕所、三联式沼气池卫生厕所和粪尿分集式生态卫生厕所能达到粪便无害化卫生标准,都具有一定的综合效益。

    Results The three-chamber toilet , the biogas toilet and the urine diverting toilet could all meet the hygienic standards for non-hazardous disposal of excreta .

  9. 结果:全省卫生厕所普及率为3346%,人畜粪便无害化处理率为1034%,卫生厕所主要有沼气池、三格化粪池、完整下水道式3种类型。

    Results : The prevalence rate of sanitary toilet in Sichuan province is 33.46 % ; the innoxious disposal rate of human and livestock 's feces is 10.34 % ; the main types of sanitary toilet are marsh gas pool , three-grid feces pool and complete sewer pool .

  10. 三值格代数逻辑函数POS形式最小化

    The Minimization for Ternary Lattice Algebra Logical Function in the Form of Products of Sum

  11. 本文从格语法的角度,运用变换分析和语义指向分析等方法,对后跟体词性成分NP的介词用所标记的三种格关系进行区分。

    From the case grammar aspect , this paper distinguishes three kinds of case relations which " Yong " with substantive components marks , using transformational analysis and semantic reference .

  12. 在分析了三种格型滤波器的结构和敏感度的基础上,认为基于全滤波器的IIR陷波器在低频段具有最低的系数敏感度。

    Three kinds of structures and sensitivity of lattice IIR notch filters being compared , it is obtained that the approach based on all pass filter has the least sensitivity at low frequency .

  13. 境内有第四纪末次冰川遗迹稻城古冰帽和四川省第三高峰格聂山。

    There are Quaternary period glacial relics-Daocheng ancient ice cap and the third highest peak in Sichuan-Genie Mountain .

  14. 第二章至第五章是文章的主体部分,尝试从句法、语义和功能等层面对三字格进行了理论探讨。

    Chapter 2 to 5 are the main parts of paper . which attempt to have theory investigation and discussion .

  15. 本研究使用自编大学生上网成瘾诊断问卷、自编上网行为和态度问卷以及三个人格量表,对上海市6所高校370名大学生的上网情况进行了调查。

    This study investigated Internet usage behavior , attitude and personality traits of 370 students from 6 universities with 2 self-designed questionnaires and 3 personality scales .

  16. 研究表明无论是基于三子格模型还是基于单子格模型,磁激发展示了一致的机制,色散关系也完全相同。

    No matter based on the three-sublattice model or on the one-sublattice model , the magnetic excitation exhibits the unified mechanism and the dispersion relation shows exactly the same behaviors .

  17. 神:我们相信唯一永活真神,以三位格:圣父,圣子,圣灵永远存在。

    We believe in the Holy Trinity . There is one God , who exists eternally in three persons : the Father , the Son , and the Holy Spirit .

  18. 1+2型三字格是三字格中的一类,三字格的造词能力在近年来的语言生活中非常突出。

    Three words structure of " 1 + 2 " is one kind of three words structure . The coinage ability of three words structure is very prominent in the language life in recent years .

  19. 个人因素方面电脑游戏成瘾者在情绪稳定性、相容性和责任性三个人格维度上显著低于未成瘾大学生,在对电脑游戏的认知与评价上二者有显著差异;

    Among personal factors , the levels of emotion stability , toleration and duty of the addicted undergraduates were lower than non-addicted ones , and the difference of cognition and evaluation of the computer games between these two groups was significant ;

  20. 他在80岁生日时迎娶了第三任太太格拉萨?马歇尔(GracaMachel),在约翰内斯堡树木茂盛的郊外一所大房子中颐养天年。

    He married his third wife , Gra ? a Machel , on his 80th birthday , and settled into a spacious home in a leafy suburb of Johannesburg .

  21. 只有一位上帝,以三个位格存在。

    There is only one God ( Godhead ), Three Persons .

  22. 我们可以说:上帝是三个位格,同时是一个位格。

    We can say God is three persons and one person .

  23. 三,法人格否认理论。

    Third , the legal personality to deny the theory .

  24. 上帝同时是一个位格,也是三个位格。

    God is both one person , and three persons .

  25. 只有一位神,神只有一位,但它有三个位格,就是三位一体的真神。

    Only one god , but he is three persons . a Triune god , a holy trinity ! And this the apostles taught to future believers .

  26. 假如上帝的三个位格,是本性相同且在权能和荣耀上同等,三位格间有哪些不同?

    If the three persons in the Godhead are " the same in substance , equal in power and glory " then what are the differences between the three persons ?

  27. 数值离散时,将时间与空间分开进行处理,空间上的离散采用有限体积法,而时间上的离散则用三阶龙格-库塔法,对固壁边界的处理使用了壁函数法。

    The finite volume approach in space , the three order Runge Kutta method in time and a " law of the wall " for the solid wall condition were used .

  28. 时间离散采用三阶的龙格-库塔法。

    For the time integration , a three order Runge-Kutta method is used .

  29. 湖相碳酸盐岩在建立苏北盆地下第三系层序地层格架中的作用

    Role of Lacustrine Carbonate Rock in Establishment of Sequence Stratigraphy Framework of Lower Tertiary in Subei Basin

  30. 文章结构上,前二章显现为性,后三章表现为格,两者合而为性格。

    Appear as sex structure , the first two chapters , chapter three is case , both for disposition .