
  • 网络Shanghai Disneyland Park;shanghai disneyland;Shanghai Disney Resort
  1. 上海迪士尼乐园的门票本周一正式开始发售。

    Shanghai Disneyland , which opens June 16 , begins selling tickets Monday .

  2. 爸爸,我想去上海迪士尼乐园玩!

    Lydia : Daddy , I want to go to the Shanghai Disneyland !

  3. 我们在6月11日参观上海迪士尼乐园时,迪士尼首席执行官罗伯特·A·艾格(RobertA.Iger)提到了这种吸引力。

    Robert A. Iger , Disney 's chief executive , alluded to this fascination as we toured Shanghai Disneyland on June 11 .

  4. AECOM香港公司的副总裁兼休闲环球总裁吉井贵司表示,上海迪士尼乐园很可能会有每天游客数量的限制以确保安全。

    Chris Yoshii , vice-president and global director of leisure Asia at AECOM ( Hong Kong ) , said Shanghai Disneyland will likely have a daily limit of visitors to ensure safety .

  5. 上海迪士尼乐园已定于今年6月16日开园。

    Shanghai Disney Resort is set to open on June 16 .

  6. 上海迪士尼乐园是迪士尼全世界范围内的第六家游乐园。

    The Shanghai Disney Resort is Disneys sixth resort worldwide .

  7. 但在上海迪士尼乐园,还有别的事情正在发生。

    But something else was happening at Shanghai Disneyland .

  8. 上海迪士尼乐园于今年7月开园,已经挤满了游客。

    Shanghai Disneyland - which opened in June - has been flooded with visitors .

  9. 那么上海迪士尼乐园有多中国化?

    So just how Chinese is Shanghai Disney ?

  10. 上海迪士尼乐园会是全球十二家迪士尼乐园中票价最便宜的。

    Shanghai Disneyland will be the cheapest out of all 12 parks and resorts worldwide .

  11. 政府买单建设上海迪士尼乐园。

    Govt buys ticket for Disney Shanghai .

  12. 此外,为了和上海迪士尼乐园竞争,香港迪士尼游乐园计划开展为期三天的优惠门票活动。

    The site also plans to launch a three-day discount ticket to compete with Shanghai Disney .

  13. 同时,上海迪士尼乐园酒店和玩具总动员酒店的入住率高达90%。

    Meanwhile , Shanghai Disneyland Hotel and Toy Story Hotel reported up to 90 % occupancy .

  14. 感觉和普通的迪士尼乐园没什么两样,但是上海迪士尼乐园在某些重要的方面摆脱了模板,脱颖而出。

    It felt like Disneyland as usual , but Shanghai Disneyland broke from the template in crucial ways .

  15. 报告还指出,面对上海迪士尼乐园,多个新开业的主题公园显示出强劲的竞争力。

    Newly opened theme parks have shown strong competitive power against Shanghai Disney Resort , it was added .

  16. 此前,迪士尼小镇、星愿公园和上海迪士尼乐园酒店于3月初重新开放。

    This follows the reopening of Disneytown , Wishing Star Park and Shanghai Disneyland Hotel in early March .

  17. 另外一位网民预测,上海迪士尼乐园很可能成为鸡肋。

    Another predicted , 'Shanghai Disneyland is likely to become a'chicken rib ' [ an expressionfor something insignificant ] .

  18. 相比于香港迪士尼乐园,上海迪士尼乐园极有可能不那么依赖多次入园票和年票。

    Shanghai Disneyland will most likely rely less on repeat attendance and annual passes than its Hong Kong cousin .

  19. 迪士尼首席执行官鲍勃•伊格周三上午在上海迪士尼乐园向媒体发表了讲话,他说迪士尼公司是中国的“受邀客人”。

    Addressing the media Wednesday morning at Shanghai Disney , Iger called his company " invited guests " in China .

  20. 于上周四正式开业的上海迪士尼乐园,也在雅致的大门那里安放了一排排金属探测器。

    Shanghai Disneyland , formally unveiled on Thursday , also has rows of metal detectors at its graceful front gates .

  21. 华特迪士尼之后又扩建了上海迪士尼乐园,并在上个月开放了玩具总动员主题园区。

    Disney has since expanded the Shanghai park , opening a land based on the Toy Story movies last month .

  22. 我们于去年7月的一个周六现身上海迪士尼乐园时,它开张还不到一个月。

    Disneyland Shanghai had been open less than a month when we showed up on a Saturday in July last year .

  23. 迪士尼拥有上海迪士尼乐园大约43%的股份,其余股份由政府控制的实体公司上海申迪持有。

    Disney owns about 43 percent of Shanghai Disneyland , with the balance held by Shanghai Shendi , a government-controlled entity ;

  24. 迪士尼估计,三小时以内可到达位于浦东区的上海迪士尼乐园的人有3.3亿。

    Disney estimates that 330 million people live within three hours of the Shanghai property , which is in the Pudong district .

  25. 另一个主题酒店——“上海迪士尼乐园酒店”则以带有迪士尼色彩的新艺术主义为设计风格,内有米奇和米妮的青铜雕像。

    While the Shanghai Disneyland Hotel is art-nouveau inspired with a touch of Disney including bronze statues of Mickey and Minnie mouse .

  26. 上海迪士尼乐园,北京环球主题公园,浙江凯蒂猫公园,大连发现王国,这样的例子数不胜数。

    Shanghai Disneyland , Beijing Universal Theme Park , Zhejiang Hello Kitty Park , Dalian Discoveryland Kingdom - the list goes on .

  27. 上海迪士尼乐园上周一宣布,常到该乐园游玩的游客很快将可购买季卡。

    Regular visitors to Shanghai Disneyland will soon be able to buy a season ticket , the Shanghai Disney Resort announced last Monday .

  28. 上海迪士尼乐园在2016年6月开业,共有6个主题园区,第一年就接待了约1100万的游客。

    The Shanghai park opened in June 2016 with six themed sections , and welcomed some 11 million visitors in its first year .

  29. 郭伟诚称,上海迪士尼乐园有望在2017财年达到收支平衡,这对全球性主题公园来讲是极其迅速的。

    Gas said Shanghai Disneyland is likely to hit break-even point during the 2017 fiscal year , extremely quick for a global theme park .

  30. 3月8号,为庆祝开张倒计时100天,备受期待的上海迪士尼乐园第一次发布了园内景致的组图。

    Shanghai Disneyland celebrated 100 days to go until opening day by releasing the first images of inside the much anticipated theme park on March 8 .