
  • 网络Xintiandi Shanghai;Xintiandi
  1. 最后运用上述研究出的原则及方法对成功案例上海新天地进行分析,以实践验证理论的科学性。

    Finally using the principles and methods of the study of successful cases " Xintiandi Shanghai " analysis , with the scientific theory of practice .

  2. 雅凡蒂AVANTI,现已在上海新天地开设国内首家旗舰店,北京店即将开业!

    AVANTI has launched its first flagship boutique in Xintiandi , Shanghai , and Beijing store opening soon !

  3. 这一娱乐中心将坐落于上海新天地湖滨道购物中心,NBA乐园将通过各种各样以篮球为灵感的游戏区和活动,给年轻的中国球迷带来NBA的激情。

    Centrally located in the Hubin Dao Shopping Mall at Xin Tian Di , NBA Playzone will bring NBA excitement to young Chinese fans through a variety of basketball-inspired play areas and activities .

  4. Setai酒店的地板用现在已拆除的上海新天地弄堂中的狭长黑砖铺成;门把手裹以鲨革;房间内摆放着大量优雅的漆器和有雕饰的几何屏风。

    The floors are paved in narrow black bricks from the now dismantled hutongs in Xintiandi ; the door handles are shagreen ; and there 's an abundance of elegant lacquer and carved geometric screens .

  5. 上海新天地北里及太平桥人工湖绿地落成。

    Completed Shanghai Xintiandi North block and Taipingqiao lake and park .

  6. 该文从开发创意和设计创意的角度来探讨上海新天地旧城改建项目充满活力的成功秘诀。

    The article discussed the successful secret of Shanghai Xintiandi with full of energy from exploitation originality and design originality .

  7. 俏江南此次进驻上海新天地,以此进一步展现这一国际品牌对时尚与美食的精准把握。

    South Beauty 's entry into Shanghai Xintiandi this time means the fully understanding of international top brands of fashion and cuisine .

  8. 分析比较我国历史文化街区现有的三种动态保护模式:“上海新天地”模式、“菊儿胡同”模式、“周庄”模式。

    Three modes are analyzed and compared of dynamic protection of China 's historic and cultural blocks summarized according to the existing rebuilding and protection condition .

  9. 坐落于上海新天地核心地段的巴卡拉•济南路八号,是巴卡拉酒店及酒店度假集团在中国的第一家顶级豪华公寓。

    Located in the heart of Xintiandi , Baccarat Hotels and Resorts is proud to announce its first luxury residential development , the Baccarat Residences – Shanghai .

  10. 众所周知,上海新天地地理位置优越,中西合璧的建筑风格使它成为具有传统风貌和现代感的都市生活文化地标。

    It 's well known that Shanghai Xintiandi has a perfect location , where Chinese and Western architectural styles make it a city landmark of life and culture .

  11. 香港旅游发展局6月将在上海新天地和淮海路购物区举办一系列庆祝活动。10月15日至19日,香港贸易发展局将在繁华的南京东路步行街举行大型“时尚香港”活动。

    The Hong Kong Tourism Board plans to hold a series of celebrations at Xintiandi and Huaihai Road in June and fashion activities at Nanjing Road in October .

  12. 由于这位男子发起的活动,情人节当日在上海新天地一家影院中,电影《北京爱情故事》场次只出售单座票。

    Thanks to his campaign , a Valentine 's Day showing of the film Beijing Love Story at a movie theatre in the city 's Xintiandi shopping centre now only offers odd seats .

  13. 本文以上海新天地改造项目为例,探究了旧上海石库门里弄建筑的历史风貌,并指出在城市现代化进程中对有地域特色的旧建筑进行保护性改造具有十分重要意义。

    Based on the example of " Xin Tian Di " reconstruction project , this article analyses the historic views of " Shi Kumen " lane in old Shanghai , and points out the significance of preserving reconstruction of old architectures with local features in modern town plans .

  14. 两人已在上海的新天地一带租了一套有三个卧室的公寓。克拉姆里克夫妇目前住在旧金山,他们在艺术收藏界小有名气。

    The Kramlichs , who live in San Francisco and are known for their art collecting , already have rented a three-bedroom apartment in Shanghai 's glitzy Xintiandi district .

  15. 它高端的现场爵士乐俱乐部(即共享相同的名称)即将会在上海的时尚中心新天地开幕。

    Its high-end live jazz club ( which shares the same name ) will open soon in Shanghai 's fashion hub – XinTianDi .