
  • 网络Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street;Nanjing road;Nanjing Road Pedestrian Mall;Nanjing Road Walkway;pedestrian mall
  1. 此外,酒店邻近南京路步行街、玉佛寺、静安寺、外滩和人民广场等商业区和著名景点。

    Nearby attractions include the famed Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street , Jade Buddha Temple , Jing'an Temple , The Bund and People 's Square .

  2. 西起延安西路,东至外滩。每逢夜幕降临,整条南京路步行街灯光闪亮五光十色。

    From the West Yan'an Road in the west to the Bund in the east , the Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street is lit up by neon light at twilight .

  3. 南京路步行街上的观光车十分繁忙。

    Busy sight-seeing cars in Pedestrian street of Nanjing Road .

  4. 上海市南京路步行街设计

    The Design of Nanjing Road Pedestrian Mall in Shanghai

  5. 介绍了上海南京路步行街改建的方案。

    This paper introduces the reconstruction plan of Nanjing Road Walking Street , Shanghai .

  6. 南京路步行街吸引了580万游客和居民,而外滩创下320万的记录。

    Nanjing Road E. pedestrian street attracted 5.8 million tourists and residents , while 3.2 million were recorded at the Bund .

  7. 但是当队伍行进到南京路步行街后,警察不再试图阻止人们拍照或摄像。

    But as the marchers wound their way down fashionable Nanjing Road , officers did not appear to stop people taking pictures or videos .

  8. 仅徒步五分钟可至人民广场,一步之遥即是久负盛名、霓虹璀璨的繁华南京路步行街。

    It 's but a five minute walk from Renmin Square and a step away from the bright lights of Shanghai 's famous Nanjing Road .

  9. 营造商业环境魅力的节点&关于上海南京路步行街世纪广场空间行为的调研分析

    Cresting the Node of Attractiveness of Commercial Environment ── The Investigation of Space and Behavior in the Century Plaza of Nanjing Road Pedestrian Mall in Shanghai

  10. 你在南京路步行街遇到一名外国游客,他请你告诉他去上海博物馆的路。

    You at Nanking road the on foot street meet a foreign visitor , he asks the road that you tell him to go to museum in Shanghai .

  11. 此外,还分别对南京路步行街、豫园、徐家汇商圈、人民广场和外滩等热点区域制作了超精细小场景。

    In addition , each of the Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street , Yuyuan Garden , Xujiahui shopping district , People 's Square and the Bund and other hot regions has produced a super fine little scene .

  12. 研究结果表明:南京路步行街垃圾中食物垃圾占50%左右,塑料和纸张占45%左右,而一般的城市生活垃圾中塑料和纸张只占20%~30%左右,可见对于类似的垃圾资源化程度非常高。

    It was found that the percentages of food waste and waste plastics and paper from the Road are 50 % and 45 % , respectively , comparing with 20 % to 30 % of waste plastics and paper in the MSW of Shanghai averagely .