
  • 网络Nanhui District
  1. 上海市南汇区中年居民BMI与血压水平的相关性研究

    Relationship between BMI and BP in middle-aged people in Nanhui district of Shanghai

  2. 上海市南汇区淋巴丝虫病防治效果分析

    The control and surveillance of lymphatic filariasis in Nanhui District of Shanghai

  3. 城市化阶段和大城市地区不同区域人口空间变动&以上海静安区、浦东新区和南汇区为例

    Spatial Demographic Changes within Metropolitan Area during Different Phases of Urbanization

  4. 上海市南汇区人体寄生虫感染状况调查分析

    Investigation for Situation of Human Body Parasite Infection in Nanhui District of Shanghai City

  5. 上海市南汇区惠南镇绿地布局规划研究

    The Study on the Green Planning of Huinan Town , Nanhui District , Shanghai

  6. 上海市南汇区蔬菜产业示范园区规划探讨

    The Probing Into Planning of Vegetable Industry Garden for Demonstration in Nanhui District of Shanghai

  7. 方法对上海南汇区最近的疟疾病例的个案调查表以及病例的医疗费用进行分析。

    Method Individual questionnaire and medical cost of malaria patients in Nanhui district were analyzed .

  8. 上海市南汇区脑卒中干预策略的成本-效果和成本-效益分析

    Cost-effectiveness Analysis on " Stroke Predict-strengthen Intervention " Primary Intervention Policy in Nanhui County of Shanghai

  9. 南汇区不同防治阶段慢性丝虫病病人分布情况分析

    Analysis of distribution of chronic filarial patients at various control stages in Nanhui District of Shanghai

  10. 2002&2004年上海市南汇区恶性肿瘤患者生存率分析

    Survival Analysis on Patients with Malignant Cancers in Nanhui District of Shanghai from 2002 to 2004

  11. 上海南汇区战略发展把脉

    The Strategic Development of Nanhui

  12. 上海市南汇区达到消除淋巴丝虫病标准后的监测分析

    Results of monitoring of lymphatic filariasis in Nanhui District in Shanghai after attaining the criteria of elimination

  13. 上海南汇区2001-2005年流动人口血吸虫、疟疾、丝虫病检疫情况分析

    Situation of Quarantine of Schistosomiasis , Malaria and Filariasis in the Mobile Population in Nanhui District 2001-2005 , Shanghai

  14. 果农复合经营模式效益分析&以上海市南汇区桃树-青菜复合模式为例

    Benefit Analysis Of Fruit-crops Compound Management Model & Take Peach-brassica Chinensis Compound Model In Shanghai City Nanhui Area As Example

  15. 上海市南汇区脑卒中高危人群筛检与干预策略3年实施效果

    Efficacy of " stroke high risk population screening and intervention " strategy in Nanhui district , Shanghai , in three years

  16. 上海市南汇区丝虫病基本消除后的监测分析

    The surveillance and analysis of filariasis epidemic situations in Nanhui District of Shanghai after the eradication of the epidemic on the whole

  17. 在观光农业思想指导下对上海市南汇区蔬菜产业示范园区进行了规划。

    With the guide of thought of touring agriculture , the planning of vegetable industry garden for demonstration in Nanhui District of Shanghai was done .

  18. 然而,上海南汇区法院的判决,却判决该公司的这种歧视行为“并无不妥”,这无疑宣布了:乙肝歧视有理;

    However , Shanghai Nanhui District Court pronounced that such kind of discrimination behavior is not inappropriate at all , which actually declares that it is justified to discriminate against HBV ;

  19. 上海市南汇区农村肺结核病人诊疗管理模式比较研究南汇区2型糖尿病患者知信行现状及影响因素调查分析

    Comparison of the two management patterns of tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment in rural area of Nanhui District , Shanghai Investigation on Knowledge , Attitudes and Behaviors of Diabetic Patients and Influential Factors

  20. 其中,宝山区东北角和与其相邻的浦东新区西北角地区、浦东新区东南部和南汇区的外环以内部分是上海城市植被中净第一性生产力较高的区域,均大于各季节的平均值。

    NPP is higher in Northeastern corner of Baoshan 、 northwestern corner and southeastern of Pudong and Nanhui district which part is in Shanghai Outer Loop Line than other parts of study area .

  21. 在土壤肥力等产地环境、茬口、投入水平和品种等多种因素共同作用下,水稻亩均产量差异也较大,亩均产量最高的南汇区568公斤,最低的浦东新区507公斤,两者相差12%;

    Rice yield also varied greatly with rotation pattern , input level , variety , field conditions including soil fertility , ranging from 507kg / mu in Pudong to 568kg / mu in Nanhui with the difference being 12 % .

  22. 为了解上海市南汇区游泳场馆水质卫生现状,督促经营者采取有效措施改善游泳池水质,保护消费者身体健康,我们对全区6家游泳馆采集水样进行检测。

    In order to learn the current situation of the swimming pool water quality in Nanhui district , Shanghai , encourage operators to take effective measurements to improve water quality , water samples from six swimming pools in the district were collected and monitored .

  23. 目的了解和评价上海市南汇区淋巴丝虫病自1981年基本消除后的监测效果,为WHO将对中国消除丝虫病的情况进行认证准备充分的资料。

    Objective This study was designed to see and evaluate the results of surveillance on lymphatic filariasis in Nanhui District of Shanghai since its eradication on the whole in 1981 there , getting the data ready on China 's situations in the eradication of the epidemic for WHO .

  24. 本文对这些子模块进行了详细设计及实现,对实现的系统进行了系统测试及试运行,其结果表明,本文实现的系统能满足南汇区政府办公的需要,提高了工作效率。

    In this dissertation , these sub-modules of the detailed design and implementation of the system to achieve a system test and the city running , and the results show that the realization of the system to meet the needs of Nanhui district government offices to improve work efficiency .

  25. 从自发到自为:经济区位变动中的南汇政区改革探索

    From Spontaneity to Selfhood : Exploring the Reform of Administration in Nanhui Area Based on the Change of Economic Location

  26. 新时期度假区规划理念研究&以上海南汇滨海度假区总体规划为例

    A Study on Conception of the Vacation District Planning in Modern Times & Taking the Master Plan of Vacation District in Nanhui as an Example

  27. 新时代校园建筑设计探索&南汇区委党校、区行政学院迁建工程设计

    Exploration of Campus Architectural Design under a New Era & Relocation Project Design of Party and Administration College of Nanhui District