
nán jīnɡ xī lù
  • Nanjing West Road
  1. 这无疑会令那些思乡的英国人感到高兴,但上海店能否生存下去,仍存在着更大的问题。上海店位于南京西路(相当于上海的牛津街(OxfordStreet)),店面巨大且昂贵。

    This will doubtless make homesick those Brits happy , but larger questions remain about the viability of the Shanghai store , which has a large and expensive footprint on Nanjing Xi Lu , Shanghai 's Oxford Street .

  2. 位于上海最繁华街道南京西路上的五星级酒店——锦沧文华大酒店(JCMandarinHotel)表示,区政府要求其加入午餐工程,酒店方面本着服务社区的精神也愿意这么做。

    The five-star JC Mandarin Hotel , on Nanjing West Road , Shanghai 's ritziest street , says the government asked it to become involved , and it was happy to do so - in the spirit of community service .

  3. 南京西路上的舞蹈&上海恒隆广场评析

    Dancing on West Nanjing Road & Review on Shanghai Plaza 66

  4. 城市设计中的价值判断&以上海南京西路城市设计为例

    Evaluation of the Urban Design & Urban Design of the Shanghai West Nanjing Road

  5. 不久前,上海英赛特又入驻位于上海核心地带的南京西路上。

    Recently , the Shanghai team moved to a larger office located on Nanjing Road in the heart of city .

  6. 通过对上海市静安区南京西路街道地区的案例,研究了大都市核心区的社会空间隔离。

    The paper demonstrates the case of Nanjing Xilu Street areas to study the socio-spatial segregation in nuclei areas of Metropolis Shanghai .

  7. 这场意外发生在南京西路与长安西路十字路口。十字测温技术在南钢4号高炉上的应用

    The accident occurred between the intersection of Nanking W.Rd . and ChangAn W.Rd . Application of cross beam temperature measuring technology at Nanjing Iron Steel Works No.4 BF

  8. 咖啡烘焙工坊坐落在世界最繁华的商业街之一的南京西路上,入驻于即将完工的兴业太古汇。兴业太古汇是上海最新的集零售、办公、酒店于一体的建筑。

    Located along Nanjing Road W. , one of the world 's busiest shopping destinations , the Roastery will be part of the soon to be built HKRI Taikoo Hui Project , Shanghai 's newest premium world-class retail , office , and hotel area .