
  • 网络Upper adjustment;up-regulate;upregulate
  1. 证明TNF一a在转录水平上调节IL一6基因在前列腺癌细胞中的表达和分泌。

    TNF-a modulates the expression of IL-6 gene in prostate cancer cells at the transcriptional level .

  2. 林地、果园间种籽粒苋能有效地改善林地小气候、改善土壤结构,并在一定程度上调节土壤水分状况,有效地增加土壤中P、K含量,改良土壤;

    Inter-planting Grain amaranth can improve the microclimate and soil structure . It can also adjust the soil moisture , increase P and K contents , improve soil quality in some degree .

  3. 在这里,JNK对Mule的调节起到了一个正反馈的作用,通过c-Jun蛋白在转录水平上调节Mule的表达。

    The JNK activation gives Mule a positive feedback , and regulates Mule expression at transcriptional level by c-Jun.

  4. 再喂养时空肠IGF-1和IGF-IR表达的向上调节表明,IGF作用途径在对肠内营养物产生肠道营养反应的过程中起作用。

    Up-regulation of jejunal IGF-1 and IGF-IR expression during refeeding suggests a role for the IGF action pathway in gut trophic responses to enteral nutrients .

  5. 其作用既可从DNA水平上调节相关基因的表达和mRNA水平上调节转录物的稳定性,也可从蛋白质水平上通过磷酸化来调节酶及相关蛋白质的活性。

    The regulation can be made at DNA level by regulating the related gene expression , mRNA level by regulating the transcription and protein level by regulating the activity of enzymes or related protein through phosphorylation .

  6. 已克隆出一些可在转录水平上调节GA诱导基因的顺反子,并证明它们在禾谷类糊粉细胞中的GA响应事件中起至关重要的作用。

    Some cis_acting elements and trans_action factors which regulate GA_ induced genes at the transcription level were cloned . They played an important role in the GA response event of the cereal aleurone cells .

  7. 结论肝硬化时PAF系统上调节肝血流动力学和代谢异常是门脉高压形成的重要因素,肝内PAF释放入循环系统的增加是影响系统血流动力学异常改变的关键因子。

    Conclusion The results suggest that the up-regulation of the PAF system contributes to hepatic hemodynamic and metabolic abnormalities in cirrhosis , and the increased release of PAF into the circulation also impacts systemic hemodynamics .

  8. PUFA主要在基因转录和mRNA的稳定性两个水平上调节基因表达,其调节机制目前认为主要有两种:一种为PUFA-PPAR依赖性机制,另一种为PPAR非依赖性或PUFA特异性机制。

    The gene expression regulation by PUFA is mainly functioned throught regulation of gene transcription and mRNA stability . The mechanisms ware hypothesized as two ways : a PUFA-PPAR-dependent mechanism and a PPAR-independent or PUFA specific mechanism .

  9. 结论:对PCOS患者IVF-ET中进行电针干预,可从整体上调节机体内分泌和卵巢局部微环境,改善了肾虚症状,提高了卵子质量,使临床妊娠率提高8.74%,取得较好的临床效果。

    Conclusions : Electro-acupuncture can modulate the function of integer and ovarian local circumstance of the patients who with PCOS undergoing IVF-ET , so as to improve the symtom of deficiency of kidney , heighten the quality of oocyte and the outcome of pregnancy .

  10. 与环磷酰胺显著不同,实验期间AD-2和AD-3组小鼠体重增加未受影响,且能够在一定程度上调节荷瘤小鼠胸腺及脾脏的免疫指数。

    Unlike cyclophosphamide , the weight increase of mice was not influenced by AD-2 or AD-3 , and their immunity index of thymus and spleen had been strengthened in a certain level .

  11. 在收音机或电视机上调节的控制器。

    The control on a radio or television set that is used for tuning .

  12. 容积敏感氯通道是细胞膜上调节细胞容积和稳定膜电位的通道。

    Volume sensitive chloride channel regulates cell volume and stabilizes membrane potential in cell membrane .

  13. 这一点上调节为直觉会十分有益。

    Tuning in to our intuition at this point will prove to be very useful .

  14. 喷洒在果树上调节生长的化学药品,使整株作物能在某一时间收获。

    A growth-regulating chemical sprayed on fruit trees ; entire crop can be harvested at one time .

  15. 溅射过程中,首先制备纯二氧化铈靶材,然后在不同的功率上调节不同的基片温度进行溅射。

    A cerium dioxide target was used for sputtering and films were deposited at various substrate temperature under different sputtering power .

  16. 用单片机控制的异步电动机节能控制器在收音机或电视机上调节的控制器。

    The Controller Saving of Async-Power by Sigle Chip Microprocessor the control on a radio or television set that is used for tuning .

  17. 不同水保措施都能在一定程度上调节和控制水文过程,改善流域的水质,提高土壤的质量,提高土壤的含水率;

    Water and soil conservation can modulate and control hydrological processes , improve the water quality , soil quality and soil moisture of watershed .

  18. 因此,我们可以简单地通过调节基底和源材料之间的距离在一定程度上调节纳米结构的硫含量。

    Thus , it is possible to tune the S content in the nanostructures to some extent simply by varying the distance between the substrate and the source .

  19. 作为国家宏观调控手段之一的所得税担负起在一定程度上调节国民收入差距的重任。

    As the national macro-control means , one of the income tax take up to a certain extent , the gap between the heavy regulations of national income .

  20. 大鼠脑缺血急性期脑甲状腺激素受体向上调节为机体的重要代偿反应。

    The results indicated the upward regulation of TR in rat brain during acute cerebral ischemia is a compensatory response , which allows the maximum binding of thyroid hormones .

  21. 调节硝盐浴中的含水量可在一定程度上调节其冷却能力,从而更有效地控制合金钢渗碳齿轮的淬火质量。

    In addition , the cooling power of nitrate bath can be adjusted to some degree through controlling its water content , thus more effectively controlling quenching quality of carburized gears .

  22. 水温可以通过控制水流来随意调节。在收音机或电视机上调节的控制器。

    You can change the flow of water so that the temperature is hot or warm as desired . the control on a radio or television set that is used for tuning .

  23. 激素对花芽生理分化的作用,可能通过时间和空间上调节激素之间比例或平衡以及核酸的代谢来完成对花芽诱导和孕育的调控。

    Endogenous hormones regulated and controlled physiological flower bud differentiation by the way of adjusting , probably from time and space , the proportion or balance in themselves as well as nucleic acids metabolism .

  24. 同时研究发现掺杂或吸附均会对石墨烯的电子结构造成影响,这对从微观程度上调节石墨烯的能级结构有着重要意义。

    At the same time , the study found that doping or adsorption will affect the electronic structure of graphene , the from microscopic degree , adjusting the energy level structure of graphene has important significance .

  25. 企业声誉的认知成分影响了消费者信任的善意。5、消费者个体特征&企业社会责任支持在一定程度上调节影响了企业社会责任与企业声誉的关系。

    The Corporate Reputation cognitive component has positive and direct influence on the consumer the benevolence of Trust . 5 、 The individual character of consumer & CSR Support have moderated the relationship between CSR and Corporate Reputation at certain extent .

  26. 组织上调节包括:构建人本关怀的组织环境;开发公务员心理问题解决渠道;引入公务员心理素质检测;正确认识并合理运用负激励机制以及完善绩效管理制度。

    Organizational adaptation includes building up people oriented caring organizational environment , developing solution channels for the psychological issues of civil servants , introducing civil servants psychological qualities detection , correctly recognizing and rationally applying negative incentive and improving performance management system .

  27. 为此,我们合成了修饰的芳香类氨基酸配体,并将其应用于配位聚合物的合成中,发现对氨基酸配体的结构调控可以在一定程度上调节我们的二维层结构中格子的大小和形状。

    In order to reach this aim , several modified aromatic amino acids were synthesized and employed for the construction of new 2D coordination polymers . It was found that the size and shape of our 2D coordination frameworks could be mediated by the ligands to some extent .

  28. PTA装置上的调节阀故障处理

    Trouble settlement of regulating valve to PTA plant

  29. 对于Maxwell边界条件,还得到了温度间断系数对于边界上的调节系数的依赖关系。

    The dependence of the temperature jump coefficient on the accommodation coefficient is obtained for the Maxwell 's boundary conditions .

  30. survivin作为连接凋亡和细胞周期的因子,选择性地表达于G2/M期,定位于有丝分裂纺锤体的微管上,调节细胞的有丝分裂;

    Survivin , a molecule for the the interface between apoptosis and cell cycle , is expressed in the G2 / M phase of the cell cycle in a cycle-regulated manner .