
xià zuàn
  • Drilling in;drill down
  1. 您可以下钻(双击带有红色叉号的节点)到InteractionDetail视图来查看该组中的每一个服务的详细状态,以找出发生的问题。

    You can drill down ( by double-clicking the node with a red cross ) into the Interaction Detail view to check the detail status of every service in this group to find out what happened to them .

  2. 关联规则的下钻操作沿袭了OLAP中的下钻的概念,它是通过对已经挖掘得到的用户感兴趣的规则进行再分析,挖掘出用户感兴趣的子关联规则。

    Drill down operator of association rules , which follows the same concept of OLAP , can analyze the association rules and mine its son association rules .

  3. 狗从门底下钻出去,跑到大路上去了。

    The dog squeezed under the gate and ran into the road .

  4. 三个囚犯从铁丝网栅栏下钻出去越狱了。

    Three prisoners escaped by crawling under the wire .

  5. 球不知怎么在地上弹了几下钻入网窝。

    The ball somehow bobbled into the net .

  6. 士兵们悄悄地从敌人的铁丝网下钻了过去。

    The soldiers quietly went under the enemy 's wire netting .

  7. 它把窗玻璃震得格格作响,把狗吓得往床底下钻。

    It rattles the windowpane and sends the dog scratching to get under the bed .

  8. History选项显示用于获取当前透视图的下钻透视图。

    The History option displays the drill-down perspectives that have been used to get to the current perspective .

  9. 方法对40例危重型脑出血患者进行CT引导下钻颅血肿抽吸引流,同时分别测定血浆及血肿内ET,NO浓度。

    Methods 40 cases were treated with percutaneous boring cranial suction , the levels of ET and NO in plasma and hematoma of severe cerebral hemorrhage and the controls group were observed .

  10. 但PDC钻头的使用效果与PDC钻头在钻进过程中短程起下钻的次数有很大关系,每次短程起下钻后机械钻速都要明显地降低。

    PDC bit application effect are limited by short tripping time to avoid borehole underguage during drilling , drilling rate always decreased after short tripping .

  11. 它提供了一些强大的功能,例如下钻(drill-down)、提示和丰富的图表库。

    It provides powerful functionality like drill-down , prompts , and a comprehensive charting library .

  12. PDC钻头具有钻进时间长、机械钻速高、起下钻次数少等特点,使用PDC钻头可大大提高钻井速度。

    PDC bit have advantages of high penetrate rate , long bit life which saving tripping times so that the application of PDC bit can improve drilling efficiency .

  13. 类似地,基本的健康状况和可用性监视功能也可从DataStudioAdministrationConsole获得,但是需要使用DB2PerformanceExpert获得丰富的统计信息和图形界面来帮助您下钻数据并查找性能问题的根源。

    Similarly , basic health and availability monitoring is available in the Data Studio Administration Console , but you need DB2 Performance Expert to get the rich statistics and graphical interfaces that help you drill down and find the cause of a performance issue .

  14. PDC钻头在钻软到中等硬度地层时具有机械钻速高,寿命长,起下钻次数少等特点,经济效益十分显著。

    When drilling the soft to medium hard formations , PDC bit has the feature of high drilling speed , long life and the fewer times of trip which can bring very significant economic benefits .

  15. 从两方面分析表明,PDC钻头的技术性能具有牙轮钻头无法比拟的优越性,并具有机械钻速高、起下钻时间少、能够降低钻井成本等优点。

    According to the technical and economic analysis results , it was indicated that the PDC bit is of these advantages as high penetration rate , short trip time and low drilling cost , etc. , with which the roller bit can not compare .

  16. 5口井的应用表明,使用ZSC-201固相化学清洁剂,平均井径扩大率为10.18%,解决了上部地层水化膨胀、缩径问题,保证了起下钻的畅通;

    ZSC-201 has been used in five wells and the results displayed that hydration swelling and shrinking of upper formation was prevented with average borehole enlargement rate of 10.18 % ;

  17. 现场应用证明,以纳米乳液RL-2为主要处理剂的钻井液具有优异性能,使用该钻井液体系,井壁无坍塌,起下钻畅通,完井电测作业顺利,油气产量高;

    The applications in field indicated that there was no collapse , a successful trip and electric logging and a high production when the nanometer-emulsion RL-2 drilling fluid was used .

  18. 然后进入主题时刻,即进行整个起下钻作业。

    Then comes the main event , the full round trip .

  19. 那些机器是从地底下钻出来的,对吧?

    Those machines come up from under the ground , right ?

  20. 基于幂律流体的许用起下钻速度

    The Allowable Velocity of Pipe Trip Based on Power Law Fluid

  21. 低温环境下钻修机的电气设计

    Design of electrical equipment on drilling rig at low temperature

  22. 您可以下钻到每个类别中,以配置各个警告。

    You can drill down into each category to configure individual alerts .

  23. 监控性能并下钻获取事务细节。

    Monitor performance and drill down to transaction details .

  24. 斜直井中扭矩和轴力共同作用下钻柱的屈曲问题

    Bulking load of drill pipe under torque and axial force in slant hole

  25. 关联规则的下钻研究

    Research on Drill Down Operator of Association Rules

  26. 在轴向动态载荷和静态载荷的情况下,分析了受激状态下钻柱的横向振动规律。

    In this paper , the axial dynamic load and static load are analyzed ;

  27. 请把卡瓦打捞筒接上,下钻!

    Please make up overshot and run hole !

  28. 每次起下钻我们都要进行后效测量。

    We test trip gas at every trip .

  29. 起下钻给立柱编号。

    Number stands on trip out and in .

  30. 他说,他们修完泵就下钻。

    He said that they would run in hole after they repaired the pump .