
  • 网络Not alone;Never walking alone
  1. 在《波士顿环球报》的观点专栏中,AlexPearlman指出,在仇视女性的道路上Rodger一点也不孤单,在网络上还有很多这样的人。

    In an opinion piece in The Boston Globe , Alex Pearlman points out that Rodger is not alone in his hatred for women . There are plenty of like minds on the Internet .

  2. 但是这样至少可以使艾伦觉得不孤单了。

    But at least Alan knew that he was not alone .

  3. 我已经不孤单了,是吧。

    I am now no longer lonely . Right ?

  4. 我可不孤单…我有朋友的记得吗?

    I 'm not alone ... I have friends , remember ?

  5. 你不孤单,我们都在你身边。

    You are not alone , we are here with you .

  6. 一个人不孤单,想一个人才孤单。

    A person will not feel lonely , lonely to a talent .

  7. 你不孤单。人多力量大!

    You 're not alone , and there is strength in numbers !

  8. 曾经孤单的我变得再也不孤单。

    Ever lonely I never got into solitude any longer .

  9. 多多少少!我不孤单了。

    More or less . I 'm not alone anymore .

  10. 不孤单地开始这个旅程是非常重要的。

    It is so important to embark on that journey not alone .

  11. 蚂蚁聚集在一起不是为了自己不孤单。

    The ant is not gathering this for itself alone .

  12. 当然,他们不孤单形影。

    Of course , most of them weren 't alone .

  13. 第一个瞬间:守护天使来临,我不孤单。

    The first moment : Guardian angel came , I was not lonely .

  14. 原来她一点也不孤单。

    It turns out she was far from alone .

  15. 我已经完善了孤独的艺术,但不孤单。

    I have perfected the art of being alone , but not being lonely .

  16. 这次的旅程显然不孤单。

    It didn 't make the trip alone .

  17. 记住,你永远不孤单。

    And remember , you are never alone .

  18. 没错可我现在不孤单啊有你在了

    Right . But I 'm not lonely . I 've got you now .

  19. 他一点也不孤单。

    He 's not ionely at all .

  20. 等待一种习惯,想你一种期待,有你的日子不孤单。

    Waiting for a habit , think you an expectation , have your days alone .

  21. 但是,苹果永远都不孤单。

    But Apple is far from alone .

  22. 我知道你一直都在我身边,我也一直都不孤单!

    I knew you side me , I also continuously all are not continuously all lonely !

  23. 有时候,如果你做了正确的事情,你会感到孤单,但是你不孤单!

    Sometimes you will feel alone if you do the right thing , but you 're not !

  24. 你不孤单,因为我现在也是单身,这也是共患难了吧。

    And you are not lonely , because I am single right now , so we are brother .

  25. 幸运的是,从孤单到不孤单的过程比你想象的要容易愉快得多。

    Fortunately , the road from being alone to not being alone is much easier and more pleasant to travel than you think .

  26. 虽然良杰掌握的英语词汇屈指可数,他却一点儿也不孤单。

    Still , even with only a few English words in his vocabulary , Liang doesn ` t feel a sense of loneliness .

  27. 他说自己从来没感到这么孤单过。那你是怎么说服他不孤单呢?

    The one thing he said , he never felt so alone . So how did you convince him that he wasn 't ?

  28. 看望老人、和老人交谈或为老人读书,能让他们感到自己不孤单、还有价值尤其是当这些老人住在养老院的情况下。

    Visiting , conversing with , or reading to the elderly makes them feel more connected and useful , especially if they live in an assisted-care facility .

  29. 刚好相反,他是一个有自信,也真正喜欢自己的人,所以即使他是一个人,他也不孤单。

    He is the opposite . He just has good self-esteem and genuinely likes himself . So he will never be lonely , even if he is alone .

  30. 现在,我珍惜能和小三在一起的每个时刻,我们拥有足够三年可以回忆的美好记忆,所以,我们两,谁都不孤单。

    My dear boy , my love will get you home . I am able to take care of myself . I am always waiting for you , here .