
  • 网络No Cap
  1. 奖金不封顶。

    There is no ceiling on bonuses .

  2. 权值是一个与不封顶CPU结合使用的设置。

    Weighting is a setting that is used in conjunction with uncapped CPUs .

  3. Power服务器上的微分区、共享和不封顶的CPU等技术已出现很多年了,且对该技术的使用限度随客户而有所不同。

    The ability to micro-partition , share , and uncap CPUs on a Power server has been around for a few years , and the extent to which this technology is used will vary from one customer to the next .

  4. 我们老板做什么事都不封顶,懂不懂?

    My boss has no limits to anything he does , okay ?

  5. 那张是不封顶的桌子!

    But that 's a no-limits table !

  6. 对员工的奖金实行上不封顶,下不保底油底壳与正时齿轮盖油封

    There will be no ceiling or floor in giving Bonuses to the employees Oil pan timing case cover seal

  7. 使用这种拍卖方式在最高竞价上不封顶,能够使拍卖品再进一步得到价值增值。

    MakeWith this type of auction the highest bid on the CAP , to make the lot further get value .

  8. 通过提供上不封顶地购买证券承诺,美联储希望能够拉动需求,进而创造更多就业。

    By providing an open-ended commitment to buy securities , the Fed hopes to bolster demand and thus create more jobs .

  9. 套餐内通话和短信虽然上不封顶,但不管是否需要,消费者都要为这些服务付费。

    The plan includes unlimited voice minutes and text messages and makes you pay for them , whether you need them or not .

  10. 无论最终答案是什么,目前已经确定运行共享的不封顶微分区处理器环境是正确的选择。

    Regardless of the answers , it already knows that running a shared , uncapped , micro-partitioned processor environment has been the right choice .

  11. 如果总统可为他的社会福利事业募集上不封顶的私人资金,那么任何一位州长或者市长都可以这么做,更不要说下一任总统了。

    If the president can raise unlimited private funds for his social welfare causes so can any governor or mayor , let alone the next president .

  12. 在增减的过程中,能够做到保底不封顶,不但讲究近期效应,更重要的是有着未来效应。

    In the process of change , can dois not the end-cap , not only emphasize the recent effect is more important to have a future effect .

  13. 期权式合约可以使农户的收益“下有保底、上不封顶”,从而有效地降低农户的违约风险。

    The option contract can protect peasants'interests , for the peasants get a guaranteed gain when the product price decreases and an increasing gains when product price , rises .

  14. 屋顶结构封顶后,先将素地面突起点作适当整平。对员工的奖金实行上不封顶,下不保底

    After the sealing of roof structure , the bulging parts of the bare floor should be first leveled . There will be no ceiling or floor in giving Bonuses to the employees