
  • 网络harmful culture
  1. 论社会不良文化对大学生的不良影响及其对策

    On Adverse Effects and Countermeasures of Social Bad Culture to College Students

  2. 浅谈不良文化对大学生的影响及对策

    A Brief Introduction on the Impact and Countermeasures of Adverse Culture towards College Students

  3. 而同时,网络传播的不良文化信息正成为诱使青少年犯罪的最主要“杀手”之一。

    The bad cultural information spread by Internet has become one of the major reasons .

  4. 社会环境因素包括了社会公共教育的缺失和社会不良文化的影响。

    Social environment factors are including the influence of social unhealthy culture and the lack of public education .

  5. 大众传媒的商业模式的扩张表现在对不良文化的传播,包括暴力文化和低俗文化。

    The business model means the expansion of the unhealthy culture , including the violence culture and vulgar culture .

  6. 女性的社会经济状况、受教育程度、社会不良文化影响、社会救助力量的缺位等社会因素对女性犯罪负有不可推卸的责任;

    The economic state , level of education , the unhealthy culture , and the organizationally imperfect of help are responsible for female crime .

  7. 高中生的生理和心理尚未完全成熟,缺乏足够的辨别是非的能力,容易受到不良文化的影响。

    High school physical and psychological yet fully mature , the lack of adequate capacity to distinguish right from wrong , susceptible to adverse culture .

  8. 全球化进程中,如何借鉴西方文化的积极因素,抵御其不良文化因素的影响,是每个国人不得不深思的问题。

    It is a thoughtful question for every Chinese as to how to absorb the advantageous factors from the Western culture and abandon the disadvantageous ones .

  9. 其现实原因主要有:相关法律、法规不健全,不法经济利益的驱使,不良文化的影响,思想道德因素等。

    The real reasons are : relevant laws and regulations are not perfect , driven by economic interests , negative cultural influences , ideological and moral factors .

  10. 青少年的身心特点决定了传媒中的不良文化信息易对他们的思想观念、行为方式产生消极影响,严重的甚至可能会使部分青少年由此走上犯罪道路。

    The juvenile physical and mental characteristics determine that the unhealthy information spread by media will have a negative influence easily upon their ideology and behavior , even cause some of them to commit crimes .

  11. 国家应该尽快形成一个有利于企业长期发展的政治和经济环境,企业更应该从自身出发,通过管理制度和运行机制的健全和优化,消除不良文化的影响,促进战略支持型文化的早日形成。

    To eliminate the effect of the bad culture on the formation of a strategy - supporting culture , the government should improve political and economic environment , and the enterprise should optimize its management stem and operating mechanism .

  12. 第二章,现阶段岳阳县农村文化建设中仍然存在的问题。主要包含:机制不健全、队伍不稳定、投入不足、活动单薄、政府重经济轻文化以及不良文化的传播。

    The second chapter , at this stage , problems still exist in the rural culture construction in Yueyang county , includes : mechanisms are not perfect , the team unstable , inadequate investment , hiking , light government economic and cultural activities , and dissemination of unhealthy culture .

  13. 如果杜兰特,勒布朗-詹姆斯,克里斯-保罗,史蒂夫-纳什,卡尔-马龙,查尔斯-巴克利离开他们的球队去找更好的球员做队友,获得更好的争冠机会,不要去责怪AAU不良的文化,他们其实是从梦之队学到的。

    If Durant , LeBron James , Chris Paul , Steve Nash , Karl Malone , Charles Barkley and countless others each left their teams for an improved opportunity to win a championship with better teammates , it wasn 't the supposedly nefarious AAU culture that 's to blame , they learned it by watching the USA Basketball .

  14. 施工企业不良安全文化的改造模型研究

    Study on Transformation Model of Construction Enterprises ' Bad Safety Culture

  15. 关于我省群体不良亚文化现象的调查与思考

    On the Investigation and Thinking of Harmful Subculture in Our Province

  16. 不良安全文化的特征:事故报告再分析

    Characteristics of Poor Safety Culture : Exploring with Re-analysis of Accident Reports

  17. 不良亚文化会对思想政治教育产生负面影响。

    Unhealthy subculture will bring negative effects to ideological and political education .

  18. 浅论不良网络文化对青少年的影响与对策

    Effects of Negative Internet Culture on Adolescents and the Countermeasures

  19. 基于经济学视角的农村不良亚文化透视

    The Perspective of Unhealthy Rural Subculture from the Economics Angle of Views

  20. 不良亚文化对法治建设的影响与对策

    The Influence and Countermeasures of Unhealthy Subculture on Construction of Rule of Law

  21. 高校不良亚文化现象探析

    The Exploration on the Unhealthy Sub-cultures in Colleges

  22. 解决方法就是改革现有的不良企业文化,建立灵活适应型的优秀企业文化。

    The solution is to reform the current poor enterprise culture and establish flexible and excellent enterprise culture .

  23. 外环境主要包括不良电视文化、农村集镇上的不良文化市场与农村不良社会风气。

    The latter comprises unhealthy television culture , harmful culture markets in the rural town and the bad social climate in the countryside .

  24. 对我国商业银行信贷文化的发展背景进行了分析,并对不良信贷文化的种种表现作了论证,提出了在现实环境下,如何构建商业银行健康的信贷文化的对策。

    The thesis analyzes the background of credit culture , demonstrates the representation of ill credit culture , try to raise suggestions on how to build healthy credit culture .

  25. 综观当今世界和中国,凡是成功的企业,都有优秀的企业文化,反之,凡是失败的企业,都存在着不良的文化。

    Making a broad view of the world , we can find that all successful corporations have excellent corporate culture while the unsuccessful ones suffer from the unsuitable culture .

  26. 外在根源是网络环境的虚拟性、不良网络文化的侵蚀性、网络人文教育的滞后性以及网络规范的软弱性。

    The external reasons are the virtuality of the Internet environment , the aggression of undesirable Internet culture , the delay of Internet humanistic education and the weakness of Internet norm .

  27. 譬如,崇拜潜规则的不良社会文化在一定程度上为招聘骗局提供了生存土壤,诱使部分大学生上当受骗。

    For example , the adverse social culture of " unspoken rule " provides survival soil for false recruitment to a certain extent , which induces some students to be cheated .

  28. 大学生受不良面子文化影响和对面子文化的扭曲理解,不但会影响大学生的行为,而且会严重影响到思想政治教育的效果。

    Students face by bad cultural influences and the distorted face cultural understanding will not only affect the behavior of college students , but will seriously affect the effectiveness of ideological and political education .

  29. 本文从文化传统、法律主文化及其整合机制、社会转型期特点等方面分析了不良亚文化的成因。

    This paper studies the cause of formation about unhealthy subculture from the following aspects : traditional civilization , legal major culture and its conformity mechanism , the society characteristics during the transforming period of social systems .

  30. 高校校园不良亚文化中的享乐亚文化、网络虚幻亚文化等对校园主流文化产生了很大的冲击,导致一些校园不良现象的发生。

    Among the unhealthy sub-cultures in college , such ones as hedonism , cyber illusions , and so on , have greatly impacted on the main trends of campus culture and have caused some negative phenomena on campus .