
kǒnɡ huānɡ zhènɡ
  • phobia
  1. 已经过去很多年了,但我仍旧无法摆脱“扶梯恐慌症”。

    It 's been many years but I still can 't get over my phobia of escalators .

  2. 紧张,恐慌症,恐惧症,抑郁症,强迫症,广泛性焦虑症(GAD)。

    Types of anxiety disorders include stress , panic disorders , phobias , depression , obsessive-compulsive disorder , and generalized anxiety disorder ( GAD ) .

  3. 医生说你是恐慌症发作。

    So the doctor said you had a panic attack .

  4. 听起来像是心脏病发作或是恐慌症发作。

    Sounds like a heart attack , or panic disorder .

  5. 感谢收看本期“帮助恐慌症患者”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Help Someone Having A Panic Attack

  6. 然而,研究表明,得过恐慌症发作的女人比男人多。

    However , studies show that more women than men experience panic attacks .

  7. 上次车子一开进自助洗车器,你恐慌症都发作了。

    You had a panic attack when we went through the car wash .

  8. 高血压可以引起恐慌症、心脏病、肾病以及骨质疏松等问题。

    Hypertension can trigger panic attacks , heart disease , kidney problems and osteoporosis .

  9. 片中人物饱受恐慌症折磨。

    The character is suffering from panic attacks .

  10. 你什么时候开始有恐慌症的

    Since when do you have panic attacks ?

  11. 根据网上的留言板说,我可能是恐慌症犯了。

    According to an online message board , I may be having a panic attack .

  12. 她妈妈因为背部手术和恐慌症不能来。

    My mom can 't come because of her back surgery and her anxiety disorder .

  13. 不要让恐慌症的发作。

    Do not get a panic attack .

  14. 佐拉从小为极度害羞所困扰,至今仍偶尔会受到恐慌症的折磨。

    Afflicted by acute shyness as a child , Zoella still suffers from occasional panic attacks .

  15. 总体上说,恐慌症不会直接影响人的生命。

    It is generally agreed that a panic attack does not directly endanger a person 's life .

  16. 尽管用药剂量增加了,他的恐慌症却越来越严重。

    In spite of increasing the dose of his medication , his panic attacks were getting worse .

  17. 年龄,性别及多种症状时区别恐慌症发作与心绞痛发作的三大要素。

    Age , sex and multiplicity are three main signs to distinguish a panic attack form a heart attack .

  18. 对引起恐慌症发作的原因说法不一,但在两点上有类似之处。

    There are different explanations as to the causes of panic attacks , but there are two that are similar .

  19. 本篇报告乃运用认知治疗,于照护一位忧郁症合并恐慌症患者之护理经验分享。

    This study documents the nursing experience of caring for a patient with depression and panic disorder , using cognitive therapy .

  20. “我完全没料到会被捕的,”他说,“显然美国人的911恐慌症还没有痊愈。”

    " I didn 't expect to be arrested ," he said . " Obviously I touched a post-9 / 11 nerve . "

  21. 患有恐慌症的人,一旦感到自己身处危险之中,就会长时间反复地感到恐慌。

    People with panic disorder have chronic , unexpected , and repeated panic attacks where they feel an overwhelming sense of being in danger .

  22. 几乎所有的病患皆有心悸和呼吸短促的症状,46%的病患更达到恐慌症的诊断标准。

    Almost all patients had symptoms of palpitation and shortness of breath ; 46 % of the patients fulfilled the diagnostic criteria for panic disorder .

  23. 有些患恐慌症的人出现恐惧症,一旦重复引起恐慌的行为动作就会非常害怕。

    Some people who suffer a panic attack develop a phobia , a deep fear of ever repeating the activity that brought on the attack .

  24. 他告诉我,随着他的生意越做越成功,他的压力越来越大,恐慌症发作的频率也越来越高。

    He had told me that as he saw his business success grow , so did his stress , and the frequency of his panic attacks .

  25. 恐慌症患者表现出如下症状:在人们经常不害怕的情况下他们很容易感到恐惧、不安;

    Panic attack victims show the following symptoms : they often become easily frightened or feel uneasy in situations where people normally would not be afraid ;

  26. 这里的问题是,当他被困在这里时,他会患上令其尖叫与恐惧的恐慌症,这只会让他的恐惧感更加强烈。

    The problem with this is while he 's stuck in there he has this screaming , horrific panic attack and then it makes his fear much worse .

  27. 要是你呼吸的不合适,是会抑郁,会影响免疫系统,引起恐慌症,影响睡眠质量的哦。

    If you do not do this properly , it can lead to depression , a compromised immune system , panic attacks , and affect quality of sleep .

  28. 抗抑郁药物能有效治疗包括抑郁症和焦虑症在内的多种精神障碍,其中焦虑症又包括强迫症、恐慌症、泛焦虑症等。

    Antidepressants are effective in the treatment of a wide range of psychiatric disorders , including depression and anxiety disorders like obsessive compulsive disorder , panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder .

  29. 多雷斯瓦米说,他向那些患有抑郁症、恐慌症、焦虑症、长期饱受压力折磨的人,以及那些注重大脑养生与心血管健康的人都推荐冥想疗法。

    Dr. Doraiswamy says he recommends meditation for people with depression , panic or anxiety disorders , ongoing stress , or for general health maintenance of brain alertness and cardiovascular health .

  30. 而且,由美国心理健康协会所进行的研究表明,近来大约有一千二百多万成年人患有严重的复发性恐慌症。

    Moreover , studies conducted by the National Institute of mental health in the United States disclose that approximately 1.2 million adult individuals are currently suffering from severe and recurrent panic attacks .