
  1. 不动产权利登记制是一种高效用、高成本的制度供应,效用包括直接效用和间接效用,成本也包括直接成本和间接成本。

    Title registration system is a system with high effect and high cost .

  2. 不动产权利登记制的经济分析及应用

    Economical Analysis and Application of Title Registration System

  3. 从法学角度讲,可以维护不动产权利静态和动态的安全。

    When seen from the law angle , can safeguard the safety of the real property right , in both static state and dynamic state .

  4. 完善的登记制度对于维护不动产权利人合法权益、保障不动产交易安全和交易便捷以及国家对不动产市场的宏观调控均具有重要意义。

    A perfect registration system is of great significance in respect of safeguarding the legal right of the real property possessor , ensuring the trade of real property to be safe and quick and the government 's macro regulation and control about the real property market .

  5. 所谓顺位,是指不动产等权利登记中,登记的权利在登记簿上的顺序、位置。

    The sequence means the order and position of the registration right in the registration book .

  6. 在英美财产法中,妨害制度是调整不动产相邻权利人之间土地使用关系的一项重要制度。

    In Anglo-American property law , the law of nuisance is an important system regulating the relationship in land use among neighboring estateholders .

  7. 所有共有人都享有占有整个不动产的权利,只要没有非法剥夺其他共有人的占有权,都可以随意占有不动产。

    All co-owners are entitled to possession of the entire real property rights , as long as there is no unlawful deprivation of the possession of the other co-owners are free to occupy real estate .

  8. 可以说这就是造成特殊动产与不动产在权利外观、善意标准等方面巨大差异的本质原因。

    This article makes clear that the significance of registration for special movables and immovables , to some extent , it is the essential reason why the special movables are differ from immovables in right appearance , standard of acquisition in good faith and other aspects .

  9. 在动产、不动产和财产权利征收中,不动产征收最具代表意义。

    The expropriation of property is most typical among all kinds of expropriations of chattels and property .

  10. 善意取得制度的物权客体包括动产、不动产及其他权利客体。

    System of property rights acquired in good faith objects , including movable and immovable property and other rights object .

  11. 公益征收的构成要件必须法定,其客体应包括动产、不动产和财产权利三类。

    The constitutive requirements of public benefit collection must be legal and its object includes property rights , movables and immovables .

  12. 异议登记制度是物权登记制度的重要组成部分,指不动产的真正权利人或利害关系人因对登记簿上记载的权利有异议,向登记机关提出而进行的登记。

    The objection registration system is an important component of property registration system , it refers to the real rights of real estate or interested persons recorded due to the registration the right to dissent , to the registration authority carried out the registration .

  13. 不动产信托受益人的权利义务及责任

    The Rights , Duties and Liabilities of the Beneficiary under Real Estate Trust

  14. 第十七条不动产权属证书是权利人享有该不动产物权的证明。

    Argument on Animal Rights : Some Observations in Law Philosophy Article 17 The realty ownership certificate shall be the evidence for the holder 's ownership of a realty .

  15. 在本论文中,笔者特别突出以下见解:1是不动产登记与不动产权利密切相关,尤其是能促进私有观念、所有权观念的发展,完善不动产登记就是深化人们的所有权观念;

    In this thesis , the author especially emphasize on viewpoint as follows : one is that real estate register is connected with proprietary right , in particular promoting the development of private concept and ownership concept ;

  16. 不动产物权登记具有维护不动产权利静态安全和保障不动产动态交易安全的功能。

    The registration of real property is to maintain the static security of real property rights and to protect the security of real estate dynamic transactions .

  17. 有关不动产或其他与不动产有关的权利的诉讼,由有地域管辖权的被告住所地法院或不动产所在地法院管辖。

    Actions concerning immovable property or rights or any other interests relating to immovable property will be instituted in the court within territorial jurisdiction where the de-fendant is domiciled or where the immovable property is situated .

  18. 不动产相邻关系是一套与所有权制度密切相关的权利义务关系,它对于调和不动产权利人之间的利益冲突,稳定不动产财产秩序,促进不动产的充分利用,具有重要作用。

    The neighbouring relations of the real estate are a set of rights and obligations which keep the close relation with the property .

  19. 不动产物权登记是物权理论中一项重要的内容,它具有维护不动产权利静态安全和保障不动产动态交易安全的功能。

    Real Property Register is an important property rights theory , and it has the right to safeguard the real safety and security of static dynamic real estate transaction security functions .

  20. 不动产登记簿是国家不动产登记机关制作的、用于记载不动产自然状态及权利设立和变动事项的专用簿册。

    As the carrier of real estate registration , the real estate register plays an important role in realizing the principle of the real right announcement .

  21. 不动产登记是不动产物权变动的公示形式之一,登记内容的真实性直接影响交易双方和不动产权利人的切身利益。

    The real estate registration is a kind of form of publicity to the change of immovable property , the authenticity of the contents of registration directly affects both parties to the transaction and the owner of the realty in vital interests .