
  1. 对于银行来说,应完善对高校授信的评价体系、加强对贷款的审查和管理、加大不良贷款清收转化力度。

    The banks should perfect the appraising systems to the higher schools , intensify the examination and management of the loans and take more force to change the incorrect loans .

  2. 以填补国内这方面的研究空白,以期达到抛砖引玉,推动不良贷款清收模式理论研究,进而能够有效引导清收实践的目的。

    To fill the gaps in the domestic research in this area in order to play a catalyzing clear revenue model of non-performing loans to promote theoretical research , and thus able to effectively guide the clear purpose of the practice income .

  3. 随着农村信用社改革的逐步深入,不良贷款清收处置力度不断加大,以资抵债作为保全信贷资产的方式之一,成为农村信用社压降不良贷款的主要手段。

    With the gradual deepening of the reform of Rural Credit Cooperatives and the increasing of bad loan disposal efforts , using assets as the debts as a way of preservation of the credit assets is becoming the primary means for rural credit cooperatives to decrease non-performing loans .

  4. 通过直接清收实现农村信用社不良贷款催收和清收数据维护。

    By directly collect it realizes rural credit cooperatives collection and due diligence data maintenance .

  5. 即不良贷款责任追究清收模式、招标外包清收模式、政信合作清收模式、仲裁诉讼清收模式、资产盘活清收模式等。

    Which is clear accountability for non-performing loans closed mode , the external clear revenue model of bidding , the government collaborate Liquidation income mode , clear revenue model of the proceedings , make an inventory of assets , the Liquidation income close mode .