
  1. 山东农行不良贷款管理策略研究

    The Research on Poor Credit Management of Shandong Agricultural Bank

  2. 对农村信用社不良贷款管理的新思考

    Reflections on the management of the bad loan in the rural credit co-operative society

  3. 在1999年,当时人们谈论的都是不良贷款和管理负债累累的国有企业。

    Back in 1999 , all the talk was of non-performing loans and managing hugely indebted state-owned enterprises ( SOEs ) .

  4. 而就之前几年,如果说有谁会愿意投资于资不抵债的中国银行,也是不可想象的。当时,中国的银行背负着不良贷款和管理不善的沉重负担。

    Just a couple of years before that it would have been unimaginable that anyone would want to invest in the insolvent Chinese banking sector , burdened as it was with bad loans and poor management .

  5. 因此,减少不良贷款,改进授信管理,加强风险控制就成了重中之重。

    Thus , it is significant to decrease the bad credit , improve the Line of Credit management and enhance the risk control .

  6. 但长期以来一直困扰农业发展银行的不良贷款以及贷款风险管理问题,在打造农业发展银行现代银行制度中形成瓶颈制约。

    However , the issues of bad loans and loan risk management that has been harassing ADBC for quite a long period present a " bottleneck " for the formation of modern bank system for ADBC .

  7. 在我国,虽然银行在不断地改革体制,内部控制和风险控制也不断地加强,但还是出现不良贷款率高、管理效率低、竞争力薄弱等问题。

    In China , all the banks are reformed . The internal control and risk control of banks are strengthening . But the rate of non-performing loans of is still very high , the management efficiency of commercial banks is low and the competitiveness is weak .

  8. 阐释不良贷款的概念、分类及其产生的理论解释;介绍了国内外商业银行产生不良贷款的因素及不良贷款管理的基本策略。

    This chapter elaborates the concept , classification of non - performing loan , and the theoretical explanation of its produce ;