
  • 网络real estate registration;registration of real estates;the real property registration
  1. 通过分析不动产登记公信力的适用要件,阐释了其法律效果。

    Through the analysis of the real property registration credibility applicable elements , explains the legal effect .

  2. 本文首先介绍了国内外不动产登记制度的历史沿革。

    This paper first introduces the historical evolution of the real property registration system .

  3. 我国目前正在制定物权法,不动产登记在物权法中占据重要地位。

    At present , our government is making property right law .

  4. 不动产登记制度的法律经济学分析

    Analysis of Legal Economics of the Registration System of Real Property

  5. 登记效力是不动产登记的核心问题。

    The effect of registration is the core point of them .

  6. 二是应当完善不动产登记。

    Second , it is real estate registration shall be perfect .

  7. 关于我国不动产登记行为性质之探讨

    A Probe into the Nature of Real Estate Registration in China

  8. 第三部分,不动产登记簿的制度环境。

    The third part , the real property register system environment .

  9. 我国不动产登记制度若干问题研究

    Study of Seversal Problems of Our System of Real Registration

  10. 也论不动产登记错误的法律救济

    On the Legal Relief of Mistake of Real Estate Registration

  11. 我国不动产登记类型体系中的缺失及其完善

    Imperfections in the Registered System of Real Estate and Suggestions for Improvement

  12. 论不动产登记机关登记错误的赔偿责任

    Compensation Liability of Wrong Registration of Real Estate Registry Agency

  13. 一是不动产登记行为的性质,指出不动产登记属于准行政行为。

    First , real estate registration belongs to quasi-administrative behavior .

  14. 第&部分是不动产登记制度的基本理论。

    Part One : The basic theories of real property registration system .

  15. 建立统一的不动产登记机构;

    Uniform registration institutes of real estates be set up ;

  16. 现代不动产登记制度的主要功能

    The Major Function of Real Right Registration in Modern Society

  17. 不动产登记错误损害赔偿责任问题研究

    The Research of Liability about the Loss of Real Estate Registration Error

  18. 中国不动产登记制度现代化研究

    Research on Real Estate Register System Modernization in China

  19. 最后,讨论了不动产登记簿的重要性和特点。

    At last , it discusses the importance of the real property register .

  20. 我国还没有制定统一的不动产登记法。

    Our country has not made the unified real estate registering law yet .

  21. 探究不动产登记公信力与善意取得的关系。

    Research the registration of credibility and good faith acquisition of the relationship .

  22. 不动产登记制度是一项重要的物权制度。

    Summary : Real estate registration is the important system of property law .

  23. 不动产登记是民事行为还是行政行为。

    Second , whether the real estate registration is civil or administrative action .

  24. 中国不动产登记制度的立法思考

    Research on the system of Estate Register in China

  25. 不动产登记制度作为一项重要的物权法制度,在物权法体系中具有重要的地位。

    As a basic system of the property law .

  26. 论我国的不动产登记制度

    On the Real Estate Registration System of Our Country

  27. 论中国不动产登记赔偿机制之构建&以公信力为视角的诠释

    Compensation Mechanism to Registration : Analysis from the Perspective of Public Reliance Effect

  28. 不动产登记审查方式研究

    The Research on Examination Patterns of Property Registration

  29. 不动产登记制度的理论基础。不动产登记的理论基础,即实质主义登记和形式主义登记。

    In part two , the basic theory of registration of the real property .

  30. 行政法视野下的我国不动产登记制度

    Our Country 's Real Estate Registration System from the Perspective of the Administrative Law