
  • 网络production planning;Product Planning Management;Campaign Manager;Production Planning Management
  1. 流程CIMS中生产计划管理系统的设计与开发

    Design and Development of Production Planning Management System in CIMS

  2. 并且把许多功能做成了Web服务的形式,为以后系统的二次开发及与其它系统相互衔接提供了良好的接口。使得此生产计划管理子系统具有开放性与可重用性。

    Many functions in the production planning management system are built as the modules of Web services , which provides good interface for second development of the system and joining to the other systems .

  3. 基于Web的数据仓库系统在生产计划管理中的应用研究

    Application Study on Production Project Management of Web-based Data Warehouse

  4. ERP系统中生产计划管理的一种实现

    Design and implementation of produce management in enterprise resource planning system

  5. 钢铁企业CIMS生产计划管理的递阶体系

    Hierarchical System of Production on Scheduling Management in Steel Works CIMS

  6. ERP是一种先进的企业管理平台,生产计划管理系统是ERP系统一个重要的模块。

    ERP is an advanced enterprise management platform , Produce Planning Management System is an important module of ERP .

  7. 同时结合《ERP管理系统》中生产计划管理思想,将该系统中的生产计划管理功能纳入;

    Meanwhile , it combines the manufacture plan and management thoughts of 《 ERP Management System 》, and brought them into it ;

  8. 本文应用DSS理论探讨了铁东煤矿生产计划管理决策支持系统的建立及构成。

    In this paper , the establishment and construction of coal mine production project management DSS are introduced .

  9. 使用统一建模语言UML对系统进行了面向对象的功能分析和结构设计,并以此为基础详细设计了生产计划管理系统的四大功能模块及具体内容;

    Using the Unified Modeling Language ( UML ) this paper designs the system functions and the four main function structures of the production planning management system .

  10. 本文分析了纺织企业生产计划管理中的问题,介绍了生产计划的相关理论,重点研究了先进的OPT计划理论。

    This dissertation analyses the planning management issue within the textile enterprises , introduced some correlation theory , The investigable emphases is OPT theory .

  11. 本文提出了基于ERP的管理思想,建立在网络技术之上,借助BOM构建的生产计划管理信息系统。

    This thesis illustrates a produc-tion planning management information system , which based on ERP management idea , builded on network technology , con-structed by means of BOM .

  12. 如何满足企业复杂多变的生产计划管理需求,应用生产计划软件系统提高生产计划的准确性和灵活性,是ERP下生产计划系统面临的主要问题。

    It must face the difficult issues how to fulfill the complex demands of production planning management and apply the production planning software system to enhance the accuracy and flexibility of production planning .

  13. 分别针对这些特点,寻求生产计划管理的解决方案,设计了DVR生产计划管理系统。

    And DVR production planning management system is designed with the integration of every solution corresponding with every characteristic of production planning and management .

  14. 应用SqlServer2000企业管理器工具设计了生产计划管理、采购管理子系统的数据库系统,依据生产计划管理的数据流程设计开发了相应系统的存储过程。

    Application SQL Server 2000 enterprise manager tool design the production plan management 、 procurement management subsystem database system , according to production plan management data flow design and development of the corresponding system stored procedures . 4 .

  15. 本着理清、理顺流程的原则,并借鉴科学、先进的ERP系统理论的思想与模式,提出现阶段生产计划管理上可行的解决方案。

    Adhering to the principle of putting in order , making the flow in order , and drawing lessons from the thought and mode of scientific and advanced ERP systematic theory , the writer puts forward the managerial feasible solution to the production planning management in the present stage .

  16. 借鉴工业工程(IE)中的WBS(工作分解结构)管理思想,提出了基于WBS的主生产计划管理设计方案;

    The file uses WBS ( Work Breakdown Structure ) which comes from Industry Engineering ( IE ) for reference , then it presents a project about MPS ( Master Production Schedule ) management which is based on WBS .

  17. 珠钢电炉CSP的MES具有生产计划管理、质量管理、物料和生产跟踪、生产协调、原料库管理、钢卷库管理、通信和生产统计报表八大功能。

    MES function of electric arc furnace CSP production line in Guangzhou Zhujiang steel Co Ltd includes production plan management , quality management , material and production track , product coordination , material yard management , coil yard management , communication and statistic reports .

  18. 生产计划管理是企业管理的核心。

    The production planning management is the core of enterprise management .

  19. 电子计算机在生产计划管理中的应用

    The Application of Electronic Computer in the Management of Production Plan

  20. 单件小批生产计划管理的模型与算法

    The Model for the Planning Management of Single - Production

  21. 钢铁企业集成生产计划管理系统研究

    Study on Integrated Production Planning Management System for Iron and Steel Enterprises

  22. 基于网络计划与约束理论的模具生产计划管理系统的研究

    Network Planning and Theory of Constraints Based Mould Production Planning Management System

  23. 订单式中小企业生产计划管理系统研究

    Study of production planning management system in order-driven medium and small enterprises

  24. 基于分布式环境的生产计划管理专家系统

    Production Projecting & Managing Expert System Based on Distributed Environment

  25. 中药制造企业生产计划管理研究

    Research on production plan management of Chinese herbal medicine enterprise

  26. 浅谈港机金属结构件制造的生产计划管理

    Production Planning Management of Fabrication of Port Machinery Steel Structure

  27. 辅助生产计划管理决策专家模拟系统的研究

    An Expert Simulation System for Aiding Decision & making of Production Planning Management

  28. 适合于中小企业的生产计划管理系统

    A production planning management system for manufacturing enterprises of mid and small size

  29. 测绘生产计划管理系统研究

    On the Management System of Surveying and Mapping Projects

  30. 本文综合利用模拟技术和数学优化,以及滚动计划方法,对企业的生产计划管理模拟模型进行了探讨,并开发了相应的软件。

    By combining simulation technology with mathematical optimization and the method of rolling planning .