
  1. 电器类生产企业仓库管理系统的设计

    The Design and Realization of Electric Enterprise Warehouse Management System

  2. 无缝钢管生产中间仓库轨道改造

    Modification About the Rail of Intermediate Storage in Pipe Production

  3. 另一方面,数据仓库产品越来越成熟,生产数据仓库工具的厂家也越来越多。

    On the other hand , data warehouse products become more mature , the factories that produce data warehouse tool are becoming more and more .

  4. 最佳实践表明您应当先将大数据技术部署到您的生产数据仓库环境中,然后构建并配置您的私有云存储解决方案。

    Best practices dictate that you deploy your big data technologies to your production data warehouse environment first , then build and configure your private cloud storage solution .

  5. 根据检疫需要,进入有关生产、仓库等场所,进行疫情监测、调查和检疫监督管理;

    Entering a site relating to production or storage according to the needs of quarantine , to carry out epidemic monitoring and investigations or quarantine supervision and control ;

  6. 密切配合生产部与仓库的工作。

    Cooperate with warehouse and production department .

  7. 也较详细论述了聚类算法在烟草生产管理数据仓库中的应用,通过聚类算法进行有价值的数据分析。

    The paper also has a detail statement surrounding cluster arithmetic 's application and executing valuable data analyze .

  8. 应用了一种利用四个数据存储部件,构建医疗生产企业数据仓库的方法。

    We gave a method called four data storage area to construct warehouse of the medical equipment company .

  9. 有专门车间生产、专用仓库保管,专人负责管理;

    They have a special workshop for production , special warehouse for storage , and special personnel in charge ;

  10. 协助生产线、仓库完成日常工作并保证产品准时发货。

    Coordinate with production lines and warehouse to get daily things done . to make sure goods delivery on time .

  11. 由上游工序完成的零部件用托盘装着,并附上生产看板放入仓库。

    Parts finished by the upstream process are packed in pallets and placed in the store with production Kanbans attached .

  12. 生产、批发仓库碘盐合格率为92.00%、90.40%,零售点和居民盐碘合格率为56.67%和57.16%。健教问卷小学生知识及格率为80.13%,家庭主妇及格率80.65%。

    The pass rate of the health education questionnaire investigation was separately 80.13 % and 80.65 % at the pupils and housewives .

  13. 而目前许多生产企业的仓库都处于转型期,仓储系统都不完善,在各作业环节中都存在漏洞。

    Moreover many production type companies are in transition period , warehousing system is not mature and loopholes likely exist on every operation spot .

  14. 主要通过销售预估、生产产能、仓库管理、采购等因素来分析原材料库存。

    Through the theory and the combination of the actual situation , especially through the sales forecast , production capacity , warehouse management , procurement , and other factors to analyze the raw materials inventory .

  15. 首先文章简要阐述了研究背景和意义,介绍现场管理、生产计划及仓库布局方面国内外的研究概况,为后面的研究打下基础。

    First , the thesis generally introduces the study significance and the situation of spot management , production scheduling and warehouse layout at home and abroad , to form the theoretic foundation for the following research .

  16. 从建立拉丝模管理制度和工作程序出发,加强拉丝模在生产过程、仓库保管、修模过程中的管理,达到保证生产、提高质量、降低成本、提高经济效益的目的。

    Establish management rule and operation procedures for drawing die , strengthen the management of drawing die in the procedure of production , warehouse keeping and repairing to ensure production stability , improve quality , lower cost and raise economic efficiency .

  17. 农作物生产管理信息数据仓库维度建模初探

    Dimensional modeling of crop production management information data warehouse

  18. 企业约束理论生产模式下的仓库选址

    Warehouse Location under Production Mode of Constraint Theory Enterprises

  19. 企业及时生产方式下的仓库选址

    Warehouse Location under JIT Production REPOSITORY TECHNOLOGY

  20. 基于半导体生产管理的数据仓库技术半导体生产后工序设备的自动化改造方案

    Data Warehouse Technology Based on Semiconductor Production Management Scheme on Automatic Reconstruction in the Later Working Procedure of Semiconductor Production

  21. 他们迫切需要一个满足实际生产环境要求的仓库管理系统,来解决企业仓库管理上存在的矛盾。

    The enterprise needs a seemly application system to meet the requirements of practice and resolve the conflict in warehouse management .

  22. 在一个典型的供应链中,原材料由一家或多家供应商供应,产品在一家或多家工厂生产、运输到仓库中间存贮、然后运输到零售商或者消费者那里。

    In a typical supply chain , raw materials are procured and items are produced at one or more factories , shipped to warehouse for intermediate storage , and then shipped to retailers or customers .

  23. 统管冲压生产,生产线上检验,仓库和物料计划,与生产相关的活动。

    Manage stamping production , inspect , warehouse , material plan , and other relevant activity about production .

  24. 物流信息追溯系统采用条码作为烟草生产过程中的信息载体,以实现生产流通环节信息追溯、生产管理、仓库管理、区域销售管理、防止窜货等功能。

    The casting back system of logistics information takes bar code as logistics information carrier during the production of cigarettes , which can achieve casting back the information of production process , logistics process , production management , depot management , area distribution management and preventing freights in disorder .