
  • 网络Real estate securitization;reit
  1. 建议提高投资者对不动产证券化的参与,采取尽快培养专门人才,放宽信托财产的投资标的,明确政府职责等措施,培育和完善不动产证券化环境。

    To foster and improve REITs environment , the paper suggests the following measures : encouraging participation of investors to REITs , training qualified specialists , relaxing the investment objective of trust estate , and clarifying the function of government , etc.

  2. 在我国,资本市场化和不动产证券化具有重要意义。

    Capital Marketization and REITs have an important meaning for our country .

  3. 知识产权证券化中资产池的构建不动产证券化初探

    Construction of the Assets Pool in the Securitisation Intellectual Property Right

  4. 浅析台湾地区不动产证券化制度

    An Analysis of Real Estate Security System in Taiwan Region

  5. 不动产证券化在我国的发展研究

    Research on the Development of Real Estate Securitization in China

  6. 不动产证券化的法律制度研究

    Researches on the Legal System of Real Estate Securitization

  7. 不动产证券化初探不动产抵押贷款证券化探讨

    Discussion on the Transferability of Mortgage Loan of Real Estate in the Stock Market

  8. 除此之外,日本最近所谓的开发型不动产证券化有所增加。

    In addition , exploitation model of real estate securitization system is increasing recently .

  9. 不动产证券化的证券必须满足细分化、规格化和流动化的要件。

    Real estate securitization must come up to the requirement of subdividing , standardization and circulating .

  10. 政府不动产证券化研究&以香港领汇基金为例

    Research on the Securitization of Government Real Estate & Hong Kong Link REIT as an Example

  11. 诺贝尔经济学奖获得者夏普和米勒于1990年指出:不动产证券化将是未来金融发展的重点。

    The Economic Nobelist Shape and Miler pointed out in 1990 that " Real estate securitization will be the importance of financial development " .

  12. 文章试着从法律的角度对我国不动产证券化的有关问题作出系统、深入的研究。

    From the standpoint of law , this thesis tries to give a systematic and profound research on relevant issues of our country real estate securitization .

  13. 最后就在我国实行不动产证券化的机制完善和制度创新提出了五点建议。

    Then the author puts forward five proposals in the field of mechanism improvement of implementing transferable operation of mortgage loan of real estate and its institution innovation .

  14. 另外,由于我国城市建设用地可以依法流转并且有着稳定的未来现金流,所以可以成为不动产证券化的标的。

    In addition , the city construction land can be transferred and has the stable future cash flow , so it can be the subject of the real estate securitization .

  15. 除此之外,引进不动产证券化制度有利于形成投资结构的多元化,实现资本的大众化,分散不动产投资风险,建立更加规范化的不动产投资市场。

    Besides , this system can be helpful to form investment construction diversification , accomplish capital popularization and disperse risks of real estate investment and build up a more standard market .

  16. 不动产价值证券化研究

    Research on the Securitization of the Value of Real Estate

  17. 第二部分紧承第一部分,着重介绍了世界主要市场经济发达国家的不动产担保证券化制度。

    In the part II , this thesis introduces the law system of main countries with developed Market Economics .

  18. 面对发达市场经济国家完善的不动产担保证券化制度,理智的立法是在分析研究该项法律制度和具体国情之后才会做出的反应。

    Faced with the securitization of real estate security in countries with developed Market Economics , it is wise to react after fully studying the only law system and analyzing the special circumstances of our country .

  19. 不动产抵押贷款证券化风险分析

    Risk Analysis on Real Estate Mortgage Loans Securitization

  20. 而实现抵押权的流通投资功能的最佳途径便是将不动产抵押权证券化。

    The best way to realize the function of circulation and investment of mortgage is the securitization of real estate mortgage .

  21. 本文主要讨论付担保不动产不良债权的证券化问题。

    This paper mainly probes into issues of securitisation of debt claim of warranted property .

  22. 在不动产抵押贷款债权证券化的评价过程中,提前清偿率是影响评价的重要因素之一。

    In the valuation of mortgage backed securities , the prepayment is one of the important factors affecting the price of mortgage backed securities .

  23. 尤其是对无论是经济学界还是法学界都不太熟知的德国和瑞士的不动产担保证券化制度,本部分着墨较多,作了详细的介绍。

    Especially the systems of Germany and Switzerland , which are not so unfamiliar to both economic realm and law realm , this paper gives much more detailed introduction .

  24. 中国台湾引进了美国的不动产投资信托和日本的资产流动化型不动产证券化(即不动产资产信托),建立了台湾自己的不动产证券化制度。

    Chinese Taiwan introduces American real estate investment trust and Japanese real estate asset trust and construct their own real estate securitization system .