
  1. “难道不该让他当主角吗?”——“一句话——不行。”

    ' Shouldn 't he be given the leading role ? ' — ' In a word — No. '

  2. 我不该信任他,他是警察熟知的人物。

    I shouldn 't trust him ; he 's known to the police .

  3. 你不该亏待他。

    You shouldn 't have treated him shabbily .

  4. 你本不该嘲笑他。

    You ought not to have laughed at him .

  5. 我该不该借给他?

    Should I be doing right in lending it to him ?

  6. 她亲口承认不该打他。

    She admits herself that she shouldn 't have hit him .

  7. 假使他是个杀人犯,我该不该救他呢?

    If he were an assassin , would I save him ?

  8. 我该不该和他对质?那样会不会显得小家子气?

    Should I confront him , or would that look petty ?

  9. 我们不该因他过去的过错而歧视他。句型出处:

    We shouldn ' t hold his past mistakes against him .

  10. 也许你不该杀死他哈你差点就骗了我

    Probably shouldn 't have killed him.Ah , you almost got me .

  11. 你都不该希望他能存活下来。

    You could not have possibly expected him to survive .

  12. 你不该和他在一起的。

    You shouid 've been with him and not that academic type .

  13. 卫生官员说他们不清楚该他是如何感染上禽流感的。

    Health officials say they do not know how he became infected .

  14. 也没准是我根本就不该帮他。

    Or maybe I 'm not supposed to help him at all .

  15. 你不该相信他,他不诚实。

    You shouldn 't trust him , he is dishonest .

  16. 一开始就不该相信他。

    Which means you shouldn 't be trusting him to begin with .

  17. 恩,也许我们不该叫他“警长”

    Well , maybe we shouldn 't call him " sheriff . "

  18. 你不该给他送份结婚礼物吗?

    So shouldn 't you get him a wedding gift ?

  19. 我就不该让他来帮�

    I should never have let him come to you .

  20. 快进到结尾我们该不该恨他

    Cut to the end . Do we hate him ?

  21. 我本来不该让他早期偷取一墩黑桃。

    I shouldn 't have let him steal an early spade trick .

  22. 你永远不该让他进入立方体的

    and you should never have let him go into that cube .

  23. 我知道我不该对他动粗的。

    I know I shouldn 't have roughed him up .

  24. 你就不该给他买新单车“

    You never should have given him a bike . "

  25. 我真后悔,当初不该嫁给他。

    I cursed the day I had married him .

  26. 星期天也许我不该打扰他。

    I hesitate to disturb him on a sunday .

  27. 我该不该跟他在一起?

    Should I get together with him or not ?

  28. 这上面就不该有他妻子的指纹。

    Her fingerprints would not be on this note .

  29. 我们不该将他下葬。

    We shouldn 't have gotten him a grave .

  30. 也许我不该给他打电话的

    Yeah maybe I shouldn 't have called him .