
  1. 处于社会转型期的农民道德观念的嬗变呈现出若干特点,新的和旧的、先进的和落后的、真善美和很恶丑同生共长。

    The change of the sense of morality among the peasants is characteristic of co-existence of advanced and backward ideas .

  2. 丑小鸭不会生蛋。

    The duckling can 't lay eggs .

  3. 四分之三的女性称她们平日里看到他人上传的自己的照片,如果不喜欢就会删除标签。另外有三分之二的被调查者称她们会因为朋友上传自己的丑照而生朋友的气。

    Three quarters of women said they routinely " de-tagged " photos of themselves if they did not like the pictures , while two thirds polled said they would be " angry " with a friend for uploading unflattering pictures of themselves .

  4. 牵牛子(黑丑、白丑)生熟饮片的紫外谱线组法鉴别研究日本牵牛花可以开花或者只长叶子。

    The Study and Comparison of Ultraviolet Spectrum Group of Medicinal Semen Pharbitidis ( Heichou and Baichou ) Decoction Pieces A Japanese morning-glory may flower or produce only leaves .