
zhuān lì xǔ kě zhènɡ
  • patent license;license of a patent
  1. 任何衍生产品都因此得益于此专利许可证。

    Any derivative work , then , gets the benefit of the patent license .

  2. 二是专利许可证贸易;

    Trade under patent license ;

  3. 我们希望避免这样的风险,即自由软件的再发布者以个人名义获得专利许可证,实际上,就是将软件变为私有。

    We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free program will individually obtain patent licenses , in effect making the program proprietary .

  4. 专利技术许可证合同

    License contract for patent and technology

  5. 而且,另外一个要员还强调对中国的另一个深深的忧虑,中国是知识产权的真空地区,没有什么专利、许可证或者版权可言。

    Indeed , another key thinker emphasized deep fear of China , s vacuuming up of intellectual property around the world without regard to patent and copyright protections .

  6. 在创新方面的失败意味着中国要向外国支付大量专利版权费和许可证费用。

    A failure to innovate means China is trapped paying enormous amounts in patent royalties and licensing fees to foreigners .

  7. 研究结果表明,在最优许可机制中,外部性的存在导致专利权人对于许可证的定价过高而阻碍了创新知识的传播。

    In the optimal licensing mechanism it is shown that externalities can make licensors ask for high reservation price , thus baffling the dissemination of innovation knowledge .