
zhuān mén
  • specially;specialized;special;single household
专门 [zhuān mén]
  • (1) [single household]∶独立门户,自成一家。亦指某一门学问

  • 专门家

  • (2) [specially]∶专一从事某事或研究某门学问

  • 专门为儿童写的故事

  • (3) [special;specialized]∶专长

  • 专门人才

专门[zhuān mén]
  1. 此混合肥料专门用于盆栽植物。

    The compost is specially formulated for pot plants .

  2. 他们认为他是通过一条专门修建的地道逃跑的。

    They thought he had escaped through a specially constructed tunnel .

  3. 我们有帮助你经营自己业务的专门知识。

    We have the expertise to help you run your business .

  4. 这些产品在没有受过专门训练的人看来几乎一模一样。

    To the untrained eye , the products look remarkably similar .

  5. 博物馆有专门设备供失明和视力有缺陷的参观者使用。

    The museum has special facilities for blind and partially sighted visitors .

  6. 创造力和独创性比专门技术更为重要。

    Creativity and originality are more important than technical skill .

  7. 分歧的缘起在于专门用语使用的不同。

    The disagreement arose over a different use of terminology .

  8. 他专门从事把丹麦文译成英文的工作。

    He specializes in translation from Danish into English .

  9. 此陈列室专门用于陈列英国艺术品。

    The gallery is given over to British art .

  10. 当局正在增加设置专门师资。

    The provision of specialist teachers is being increased .

  11. 为了满足个别需要,大多数旅行社都愿意做出专门的旅游安排。

    Most travel agents are prepared to tailor travel arrangements to meet individual requirements .

  12. 这所学院开设有专门语言课程。

    The college runs specialist language courses .

  13. 她似乎生来就是为了专门做这项工作的。

    She seems tailor-made for the job .

  14. 这些区域也应该设专门的自行车道。

    Such areas should also be served by dedicated cycle routes .

  15. 该公司最近搬进了一家专门建造的新工厂。

    The company has recently moved into a new purpose-built factory .

  16. 雷用专门的防锈涂料涂船的吃水线以下的部位。

    Ray painted below the waterline with a special anti-rust paint .

  17. 你可以委托他们专门为你画点什么。

    You can commission them to paint something especially for you .

  18. 现在有一个专门的电视网络对大部分比赛进行现场直播。

    Now a special TV network gives live coverage of most races

  19. 这些马接受专门训练,鬃毛也得到精心梳理。

    The horses were exercised and groomed with special care .

  20. 外交政策事宜主要由总统专门负责。

    The conduct of foreign policy is largely the preserve of the president

  21. 专门诊治笼养鸟类的兽医

    a veterinary surgeon who specialises in the treatment of cage birds .

  22. 那份声明似乎是专门就联合轰炸任务的批评作出反击。

    That statement seemed designed to answer criticism of allied bombing missions .

  23. 俱乐部专门为高尔夫学员制作录像,以纠正他们的错误。

    The club specialises in videoing its student golfers to correct their faults .

  24. 专门做这些菜的餐馆既有毫不起眼的也有价格昂贵的。

    There are restaurants , both humble and expensive , that specialize in them

  25. 我们或许可以专门设计一门课程以满足你的特殊需求。

    We may be able to design a course to suit your particular needs

  26. 帕姆从来不知道有人专门坑骗离家出走的年轻人。

    Pam had never learned that there were men who preyed on young runaways

  27. 专门的比萨烤箱比普通家用烤箱效果更好。

    A real pizza oven gives better results than an ordinary home oven .

  28. 该军团是专门为在印度作战而从苏格兰高地征募来的。

    The regiment was recruited from the Highlands specifically for service in India .

  29. 为承担这份高级工作,乔治已在接受专门的培训。

    George was already being groomed for the top job

  30. 一个委员会专门小组受委派调查这些说法。

    A sub-committee was deputed to investigate the claims .