
  1. 管窥中国古代音乐美学中的情

    Discourse toward the " Qing " of Chinese ancient music esthetics

  2. 半世纪以来的中国古代音乐史学研究

    On Historiography Studies of Chinese Ancient Music in Half a Century

  3. 中国古代音乐教育的转向

    A change in the orientation of ancient Chinese musical education

  4. 中国古代音乐史著文本体裁探论

    An Exposition of Type of Version of Ancient Chinese Historical Music Works

  5. 蔡仲德在音乐美学研究中的重要成果,主要涉及两大部分,首要的第一大部分是中国古代音乐美学的研究。

    The first part is Ancient Chinese Music Aesthetics research .

  6. 音响一何悲&谈中国古代音乐鉴赏中的以悲为美

    On " Taking Sorrow as Sensuousness " in Appreciating Chinese Ancient Music

  7. 中国古代音乐的表达要素与社会价值

    The Key Expressive Elements of Chinese Ancient Music and its Social Value

  8. 下篇是对夏野先生中国古代音乐史研究的研究。

    In the study of Chinese ancient music , Mr.

  9. 中国古代音乐和朝鲜半岛音乐的交流与影响

    Ancient Chinese Music and the Korean Peninsula and the Impact of the Exchange of Music

  10. 中国古代音乐的文化特性

    Cultural characteristics of the Chinese classical music

  11. 先秦的音乐思想构成了中国古代音乐美学的一个高峰。

    The ideology of Earlier Qin Dynasty music formed a peak in Chinese ancient music .

  12. 事实上,中国古代音乐正是由许许多多具体民族的创造与融合发展而来。

    In fact , ancient Chinese music developed from the creation and mixing of many nations .

  13. 中国古代音乐史分期概说

    Periodization in Chinese Ancient Music History

  14. 这些文字记录反映出一种相当成熟的理想主义,这是中国古代音乐的主要遗产。

    These writings reveal an immensely sophisticated idealism that is the principal musical legacy of ancient China .

  15. 主情思潮音乐思想,是中国古代音乐史上最为合理的音乐美学思想。

    Emotionalism music is considered as the most reasonable musical aesthetics in Chinese ancient history of music .

  16. 而中国古代音乐更有其自身的特色,中国人对音乐有自己的认识。

    While Chinese ancient music has its own characteristics , Chinese people have their own understanding of music .

  17. 中国古代音乐的发展亦是如此,特别是在隋唐这一举足轻重的历史时期。

    It was the earliest capital city with the longest time of being capital in China 's history .

  18. 在中国古代音乐中,古琴一直是高雅音乐的代表。

    The art of ancient lute is the most grace case in the history of Chinese ancient music .

  19. 中国古代音乐史学源远流长,成就斐然。

    China 's ancient music historiography is of long standing and well established , and has splendid results .

  20. 中国古代音乐文化发达,乐器制作精良,众多乐器都有固定音高。

    There were numerous music instruments with fine making and fixed pitch in China during the ancient time .

  21. 律历关系在中国古代音乐史中一直有着重要的地位,由于种种原因当代学者却关注较少。

    The relationship between temperament and calendar has always an important status in the history of Chinese ancient music .

  22. 明代唱乐是中国古代音乐的重要组成部分。

    The music of singing in Ming Dynasty is an important integral part of the whole Chinese ancient music .

  23. 《周礼》所载的22职乐官是中国古代音乐史上的一个重大疑难问题。

    The22 , classes of Yueguan in Chou Rite is a big problem in the history of Chinese ancient music .

  24. 三是确立南宋临安音乐的文化特征及其在中国古代音乐史上的影响和地位。

    · The establishment of the character of Nan Song Music and the impact and status in the history of ancient China music .

  25. 本文在前人时贤的研究基础上,对中国古代音乐史著的文本编撰体裁及其相关特征进行了初步探寻。

    On the basis of the predecessors ' research , this article explores the types and relevant characteristics of Chinese ancient music history .

  26. 本文的研究主要集中在中国古代音乐史的范围,不包括民族乐器的研究。

    The research of the paper centers on the ancient music history of China , excluding the the research of national musical instruments .

  27. 在这里您可以看到非常有趣的中国古代音乐曲谱,尤其是本地少数民族音乐音符的独特书写形式。

    In this room you will see the very interesting Chinese music melody especially the unique written notation of the local minority peoples music .

  28. 本文对中国古代音乐史学界旷日持久的“徽”字之争,进行了综述性整理。

    The article is the summary of the twelve-year discussion of the word " Hui " in the study of China ancient music history .

  29. 中国古代音乐,是古代人类文明的又一个重要领域,在绵延几千年的文明史中占据着重要的位置。

    Chinese ancient music , as an essential part of ancient human civilization , has been playing a very important role in the history of civilization .

  30. 进入中国古代音乐领域后,以心物感应为基础触发了艺术创作与审美思想;

    While it was applied in ancient Chinese music , it changed into the artistic life and aesthetic thoughts based on interaction between spirit and the inanimate .