
  1. 东高庄不过是中国各地十几个所谓的“淘宝村”之一。只需点击鼠标,便可接触到成百上千万潜在客户,这样的机遇改变了它们。它们往往以阿里巴巴(Alibaba)旗下的淘宝网为电子商务平台。

    Donggaozhuang is just one of a dozen of so-called ' Taobao villages " across China - rural townships transformed by the possibility of reaching millions of potential customers with the click of a mouse , often on Taobao , the Alibaba-owned site .

  2. 在东高庄,一些村民进一步利用机会,为其他希望在中国电商热中赚一笔的人们举办在线讲习班。

    In Donggaozhuang , some villagers have taken this opportunity even further , by hosting online masterclasses for others wanting to cash in on China 's ecommerce boom .

  3. 东高庄的农民和家人既不用在田间辛苦劳动,挣得微薄的收入,也不用选择去遥远的沿海地区打工,而是办起了网店,向有时尚意识的网上顾客销售内蒙古羊绒。

    Instead of enduring a life of back-breaking work in fields for a meagre monthly income , or choosing to become migrant workers in far away coastal areas , peasants and their families in Donggaozhuang are opening online businesses selling Inner Mongolian cashmere to fashion-conscious web shoppers .