
zhuān qū
  • Zone;prefecture;subprovincial administrative region;arrondi
专区 [zhuān qū]
  • [prefecture] 由若干县市组成的行政区域,级别仅次于省,并受省一级政府直接领导

  • 南通专区

专区[zhuān qū]
  1. 发现这一病例后,卫生部决定对Mandiana专区的全部人口进行疫苗接种。

    Following the detection of this case , the MoH has decided to vaccinate the entire population of the Mandiana prefecture .

  2. 该系统主要包括用户手册、评估须知、评估资料录入、评估专家专区、评估结果查询、用户管理、评估论坛、网上评估等功能块。

    The system includes user manual , user notice , evaluation data input , expert prefecture , the result of evaluation inquiry , user management , BBS and so on .

  3. 在百货公司,女性鞋子专区通常紧挨着女性化妆品专区:当店员寻找合适尺码的鞋子时,无聊的顾客可能会看看有没有她们稍后想试试的化妆品。

    In department stores , the women ’ s shoe section is generally next to the women 's cosmetics section : while the shop assistant is going back to find the right size shoe , bored customers are likely to wander over cosmetics they might want to try later .

  4. 首次设置数字服务专区组织方表示,本届服贸会将首次设置数字服务专区。

    The China International Fair for Trade in Services ( CIFTIS ) will feature a special section for digital services for the first time , organizers said .

  5. 国内外领先的数字服务企业将在专区展示他们最新的技术、成果以及应用。

    Leading international and domestic digital services enterprises will make use of the section to showcase their latest technologies , achievements and applications , said the organizing committee .

  6. Web架构专区的文章专门涉及各种基于Web的解决方案。

    The Web Architecture zone specializes in articles covering various Web-based solutions .

  7. XML专区讨论论坛:参与XML相关的讨论。

    XML zone discussion forums : Participate in any of several XML-related discussions .

  8. Java技术专区:找到Java编程各方面的文章。

    The Java technology zone : Find articles about every aspect of Java programming .

  9. XML新手入门页面:查看XML专区中更新的XML资源中心。

    New to XML page : Check out the XML zone 's updated resource central for XML .

  10. 要创建专区,您需要为每个专区配置一个IP地址。

    To create zones , you need to have an IP address for each zone that you configure .

  11. 在developerWorksXML和Java技术专区可以找到更多数据绑定的资源。

    Find more data binding resources on the developerWorks XML and Java technology zones .

  12. developerWorksWeb服务专区提供了一篇关于构建基于SOAP的应用的文章。

    The developerWorks Web services zone offers an article on building a SOAP-based application .

  13. 我的标签显示了特定专区您标记的标签(例如Javatechnology,Linux,WebSphere)。

    My tags shows your tags for this particular content zone ( for example , Java technology , Linux , WebSphere ) .

  14. Jakarta专区汇聚了大多数新兴的Java语言材料。

    The Jakarta area has most of the emerging Java language stuff .

  15. 作者专访经常邀请特约作者到developerWorksWebSphere专区。

    Author spotlight showcases frequent contributing authors to the developerWorks WebSphere zone .

  16. developerWorksJava技术专区使您跟上Java领域发生的最新事件。

    The developerWorks Java technology zone keeps you up to date on events in the Java arena .

  17. 当然,developerWorksSOA和Web服务专区提供了一个Web服务信息的聚宝盆。

    And , of course , the developerWorks SOA and Web services zone offers a treasure trove of Web services information .

  18. XML新手入门页面:要获得其他介绍XML的文章和教程,请查看XML专区的资源中心。

    New to XML page : For other introductory XML articles and tutorials , check out the XML zone 's resource central for XML .

  19. Solaris容器支持单一操作系统实例中完全隔离的虚拟服务器,这些服务器成为专区(zone)。

    Solaris Container allows completely isolated virtual servers within a single operating system instance called zones .

  20. 通过发出info命令,可以获取关于专区的更多信息。

    Get the additional information about the zone by issuing the info command .

  21. 在以后的WebSpherePortal专区文章中将提供详细的示例,说明如何使用这些新功能。

    Future articles on WebSphere Portal zone will give you detailed examples of how to use the new features .

  22. developerWorksXML专区:在XML专区获取提高您的专业技能所需的资源。

    XML area on developerWorks : Get the resources you need to advance your skills in the XML arena .

  23. 特别是Web开发专区,使用Firefox的人数多达51%,而只有41%的访客使用InternetExplorer。

    For the Web development zone in particular , the numbers are51 % using Firefox and41 % using Internet Explorer .

  24. 事实上,Eclipse拥有一个非常活跃的专区愿意帮助解决任何问题。

    In fact , Eclipse has a very active community that is willing to help with any problem .

  25. developerWorks上的Rational软件专区来获得Rational软件交付平台产品的技术资源和最佳实践。

    Visit the Rational software area on developerWorks for technical resources and best practices for Rational Software Delivery Platform products .

  26. 也请参阅Java技术专区教程页,从developerWorks获取免费的Java专门教程的完整列表。

    Also see the Java technology zone tutorials page for a complete listing of free Java-focused tutorials from developerWorks .

  27. 从Web开发专区的技术库获得更多howto文章。

    Get your hands on more howto articles from the Web development zone 's technical library .

  28. Python站点上有许多信息的引用,其中包括一个关于数据库主题的专区。

    The Python site has numerous references to information , including a section on database topics .

  29. “XML新手入门”页面:有关XML的基本入门知识,请查阅XML专区的XML更新资源中心。

    " New to XML " page : Need a more basic introduction to XML ? Check out the XML zone 's updated resource central for XML .

  30. 该公司最近在其电视菜单上推出了JustForKids儿童专区,孩子们可以通过所喜爱人物的图片来搜索节目。

    The company recently sliced out a Just For Kids section on its menu that lets kids search by pictures of their favorite characters .